I think handling sessions and authentication/authorization in PHP is better suitable in your case. Once the user has been authenticated via your PHP backend, you can use header "X-Accel-Redirect" (see: http://wiki.nginx.org/XSendfile) and internal locations, to allow access to such locations upon any criteria of your choice, because you do it in PHP. These locations will not be availabby locojohn - How to...
Hello, if you need it quick, I can help for money. PM: loco@andrews.lv if interested. Andrejsby locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
Maxim Dounin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Если под данный location нужны > свои специальные fastcgi_param - > нужно их все определить в > данном location'е. Или > переосмыслить > конфигурацию и сделать так, > чтобы годилby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
В дополнение, GEOIP_* параметры FastCGI также не передаются, если находятся в блоке server {}, а не в блоке location, обеспечивающим работу php скриптов. Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Уважаемый Игорь, Я устанавливаю переменную FastCGI окружения PHP_VALUE в значение "include_path=$document_root" в server {} блоке, чтобы PHP-FPM backend находил нужные файлы в include_path равном $document_root: server { listen 80; server_name test.comby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Andrey Repin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Насколько я понимаю, > параметры fastcgi_pass > наследуются, и в > интерпретатор > передаётся последний. > Создайте блок с самыми > общими пареметрами (два > блока, для иby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
If I understood you correctly: server { server_name ~^(?<subdomain>.+)\.test\.com$; if (!-d /home/test/public/subdomain/$subdomain) { rewrite ^ http://test.com/?page=$subdomain$request_uri? last; } root /home/test/public/subdomain/$subdomain; index index.php; location ~ \.php$ { include fastcgi_params;by locojohn - How to...
Denis F. Latypoff Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 10.11.2011, 04:12, "valet" <nginx-forum@nginx.us>: > > То есть повторить кусок с > location ~ \.php$ { в > > другом локейшене: > > Это у меня такой немалый > кусок :), будет Вот и у меняby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
slurpderp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I want http://domain/?subtopic=herp&derp=this to > rewrite to http://domain/herp/derp/this > if ($args ~ subtopic=(?<subtopic>[^&]+)&derp=(?<derp>[^&]*)) { rewrite ^ /$subtopic/derp/$derp? last; } Put the above into your server {} configuration (do not put it into locatiby locojohn - How to...
Patschi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What do you exactly mean with 2)? When the link argument of the URL itself contains query string arguments like: http://yourserver/encode?http://test.com/?arg1=val1&arg2=val2&5 You might have a hard time parsing/getting the link itself (http://test.com/?arg1=val1&arg2=val2, that is). Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Hi, rewrite ^/encode?(.*)(&[1-9]+)$ /encode.php?q=$1&s=$2 last; rewrite ^/decode?(.*)$ /decode.php?q=$1 last; It's a bad idea, because: 1) you are forced to use "rewrite"s and "if"s; and 2) your links that you specify as an argument to encode/decode may contain query parameters, and they would mix with q= & s= parameters during the rewrite. but ok:by locojohn - How to...
siloan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ok but now the hole link is shown in the browser > like http://mydomain.com/doc1/index.php?d=1 Maybe this: rewrite ^/doc\d+/?$ /doc/index.php?d=$1 last; Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
siloan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Great man, thanks! 2 more questions: > 1.How to restrict only .php files in that way. > 2.I have a rewrite > rewrite ^/doc([0-9]+)$ /doc/index.php?d=$1 last; > mydomain.com/doc1 is working but if the link has a > ending slash like mydomain.com/doc1/ is not > working anymore, why ? because in yby locojohn - How to...
Hi Not sure I understood what you meant by " it is following the "Main" server setting of httpd/conf/httpd.conf ". Are you running Apache as the backend server? Please post your nginx.conf. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Hi, Maybe try to move index command into your location / block: location / { proxy_pass; index index.html index.php; } I'd also move root command into your main server configuration block. server { ... root /home/mydomain.ltd/public_html; ... }by locojohn - How to...
Hi, try: location ~ /doc\d+/inc/file\.php { deny all; } and put it as a sub-location into your \.php location handler. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
If I understood you correctly, the below should work: # match any url that does not contain "." location ~ ^[^.]+$ { # if the request is a filename, just issue 403 Forbidden if (-f $request_filename) { return 403; } # otherwise, it's aby locojohn - How to...
Make sure the following is set in php.ini: cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 Please attach your full nginx.conf as it is now, if possible. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Well, it doesn't work because you have an older version of PCRE library: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html says: The PCRE library supports named captures using the following syntax: ?<name> Perl 5.10 compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-7.0 ?'name' Perl 5.10 compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-7.0 ?P<name> Python compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-4by locojohn - How to...
Sorry, it should have been: # handle URLs like: "/path/to/myscript.php" location ~ ^(?<script_name>.+\.php)$ { try_files $script_name =404; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$script_name; fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php5-fpm-hom.sock; } # handle URLs like: "/path/to/myscript.php/with/path/info" location ~ ^(?<script_name&by locojohn - How to...
nginx version? pcre library version? install the latest. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
RVN Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > By any chance did you try changing: > > location ~ ^.+\.php$ { > include > fastcgi_params; > fastcgi_intercept_errors > on; > fastcgi_pass > unix:/tmp/php.socket; > } >by locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
Hi, try this: # handle URLs like: "/path/to/myscript.php" location ~ ^(?<script_name?>.+\.php)$ { try_files $script_name =404; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$script_name; fastcgi_pass; } # handle URLs like: "/path/to/myscript.php/with/path/info" location ~ ^(?<script_name?>.+\.php)(?<path_iby locojohn - How to...
Nginx User Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Adding Maxim's statement above into account, > outside a location block, > "break" behaves just like "last" does since there > are no location > directives to run here. > > Someone just needs to update the docs if this is > correct. > I have experienced situatby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Не могу. Я говорю о ситуациях, когда директивы разные даже внутри одного виртуального хоста для разных locations и одного стандартного файла быть не может. Я говорю о сайтах с веб-аппликациями, использующими различные frameworby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Sorry, index\.cfm, of course, not index\.php. Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi! Arguments cannot be checked with location directive. Put the below code into your main server {} block, for example, before declaring any of the locations: if ($request_uri ~ ^/index\.php\?PageID=1$) { rewrite ^ /? permanent; } Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
try_files $uri $1page.php?page=$2&$args; Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Привет! Возникла проблема со сложными сайтами (виртуальными хостами), для которых не хочется создавать несколько конфигурационных файлов из-за необходимости включения одних и тех же директив, связанными, например, сby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Glad it worked. Just noticed a small thing about the "\.php" vs ".php" as "." means any character in PCRE: location ~ (.*/)(+)\.php { Also, suggest to shorten it a bit for nicety: location ~ (.*/)([\w\-\.]+)\.php { Andrejsby locojohn - How to...