php-fpm.conf: security.limit_extensions = .php .js Андрейby locojohn - Php-fpm Mailing List - Russian
Gena Makhomed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > что мешает соединить эти > файлы в один перед > выкладыванием > на сайт и сделать два > варианта "бандлов" - без > компрессии > и с компрессией для отдачи > чеby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Уважаемые товарищи инженеры, Я написал на данную тему в англо-язычную ветку "Ideas and Feature requests" 4 дня назад, но покамест не получил там ответа. Не судите строго за то, что не поленился написать сюда на русском. Сущесby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Dear friends, I tried to submit this request to nginx development, but obviously I do not have permission to do this. There's a wonderful little module written by Joshua Zhu as part of his tengine port of nginx. The module is called "http-concat". It allows aggregating multiple files of the same mime type into a single bundle, which dramatically reduces request time needed to fetby locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hello, Joshua Zhu, I find http-concat module very useful indeed. Except there are a few minor issues that hopefully will be fixed in the new version(s): 1. It is not possible to define files from alternate folder followed by files defined by another folder, for example: /jquery/??jquery.asmselect.css,ui.imageuploader.css,jquery.linkselect.css => works but /jquery/??jquery.asby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thank you Andrew! Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Note: Unfortunately, I cannot edit my messages here. In both error log entries, Host: is the same: "testsite". Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Maxim, I am surely aware of how server requests are matched in nginx. Thanks for the info though. The thing is, I have multiple virtual hosts configured all with server_name defined, of course. Then there's default fallback server configured as this: # default fallback server server { listen 80 default_server; server_name _;by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Maxim, Sorry about highjacking this thread, but I think my question is relevant. In the nginx configuration I have: # limit simultaneous connections limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr:1m; limit_conn addr 16; But the error_log file says: 2012/01/11 21:41:39 10140#0: *2959 limiting connections by zone "addr", client:, serveby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Well, error_log and access_log directives let you specify separate error and access logs per virtual host. Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
OK, so phpinfo() in your virtual host doesn't output "/mysite" as a value for open_basedir? What does php-fpm.conf look like? What does php.ini look like? Andrewby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, It is possible when "open_basedir" option is set in secure way that disables setting it later , for example via PHP 5.3 featured host file sections (, or in the php-fpm.conf file via "php_admin_value", etc. Check and come back to let us know. Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Maxim, Is there any place where both directives are well documented? I tried wiki and the new, but no luck so far.. Appreciated! Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
И до сих пор 405??? 405 = Method not alllowed, и в таком случае, если вы передаёте X-Progress-ID через "GET", то это вряд ли уже связано с upload progress. Ищите в других настройках. Может у вас какие-нибудь "deny all" стоят где-то. Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
405 = Method not allowed Вполне вероятно, что вы пытаетесь считать информацию о прогрессе загрузки через POST. Это не работает и об этом написано в документации к данному модулю. Попробуйте передавать X-Progress-ID через GET. Удачи! Аby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Hello, See this topic:,212439,219664#msg-219664 The described method takes care that SCRIPT_FILENAME, PATH_INFO, PATH_TRANSLATED, SCRIPT_URL, SCRIPT_URI are all set to correct values, which is especially relevant for URLs like you described: .../file.php/50/Logo_SensationalSentences_sm.gif Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Actually, there's more elegant way using the map directive: On the http {} level you define: map $uri $script_url { ~^(?<script_filename>.+\.(php|html))(?<path_info>.+)$ $path_info; ~^(?<script_filename>.+\.(php|html))$ $script_filename; } The above always sets $script_filename, $path_info and $script_url variables to appropriate valby locojohn - How to...
I feel that you are taking the wrong route, because you ignore numerous suggestions from people on this forum to fix your PHP code, but here's how to disable PHP scripts in myfolder: location ~ ^/myfolder/.*\.php$ { return 403; } Which forum software are you running? Perhaps, changing the forum application will fix all of your problems without the need to alter nginx confoguration. Askby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
This is good news. > 3) Combines multiple CSS or JavasScript requests into one request to reduce > the downloading time. This feature would impress me for sure. Right now I am glueing javascript/css files using the PHP script, but I'd love to have internal server-support for this. Also, features like 2) and 4) are very interesting, too. I wonder what nginx authors think of locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
This is the culprit. PCRE capturing seems to have appeared in later versions. Are you willing to upgrade? Andrejsby locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
nginx version?by locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
Sure, you seem to have an old PCRE library installed. Try the folllowing: location ~ /gallery/data/(?P<catid>\d+)/(?P<filename>.*)$ { try_files $uri /showphoto.php?cat=$catid&file=$filename; } This is because: The PCRE library supports named captures using the following syntax: ?<name> Perl 5.10 compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-7.0 ?'name' Perl 5.1by locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
location ~ /gallery/data/(?<catid>\d+)/(?<filename>.*)$ { try_files $uri /showphoto.php?cat=$catid&file=$filename; }by locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
Привет, насколько я понял, правда не углублялся, для такой задачи ещё может подойти nginx-lua модуль: Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
I guess you got the server {} block accidently closed here: >> set $script_name $fastcgi_script_name; >> set $fcgi_php;} ^^^by locojohn - How to...
Hello, Please write to me at if interested and I'll be happy to help you out. Andrejsby locojohn - Requests for Paid Services
svizzera Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Restarting nginx: nginx: "location" > directive is not allowed here in > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ > 81 > nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf > test failed /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 81 is the line number. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
I would also like to have a response on this from Max Dunin or Igor Sysoev, preferably. We have a similar issue when we want to show progress status for a long PHP process in the browser, and when we don't want to create separate AJAX requests only to show the progress status. Feedback appreciated! Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Конечно, ну за исключением виртуальных хостов и подключаемых конф. файлов - уверяю вас, там нет директивы keepalive_disable и нет никаких ссылок на значение "msie6". #user nginx nginx; user www www; worker_processes 4; worker_rlimit_nofile 131072; worker_cpu_affinity 0by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Поставил nginx/1.1.8. http { ... keepalive_disable msie6; ... } перезапускаю nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx restart * Checking nginx' configuration ... nginx: duplicate value "msie6" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:63 [ ok ] * Stopping nginx ... [ ok ] * Starting nginx ... nginx: duplicatby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian