We are having exactly the same issue with Nginx 1.11.3. upload progress module reports the same values for received and total size resulting in progress bar being always stuck at 100% until upload completes. We cannot confirm when this issue appeared exactly, as the progress module was working well a couple of months ago. Any ideas? Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This issue should be reported to Safari. It appears that it doesn't > handle refused streams. > > I'm going to make a workaround, but it will take time. Just to clarify: this issue also affects Firefox 45. I suppose it's nginx bug, because we have never experienced it before the update.by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Giulio, I can help you out with nginx configuration, optimisation and security auditing. I was setting up nginx-based servers and converting from Apache configurations since 2009. I also have broad expertise with different linux distributions. If interested, mail me at loco@andrews.lv. Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote: > This issue should be reported to Safari. It appears that it doesn't > handle refused streams. > > I'm going to make a workaround, but it will take time. Thank you Valentin! Let me know when the workaround is in the trunk so I could get it form the repository and recompile nginx. Best wishes, Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Sorry, this is version of nginx obtained directly from GIT master branch. I believe in the sense of described behaviour, it is essentially the same as 1.10.0.by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, As of recently, shortly after updating nginx to version 1.11.0, we started getting the following errors in the error log for our sites configured with HTTP/2 and SSL: 2016/04/29 14:54:12 22321#22321: *290 client sent stream with data before settings were acknowledged while processing HTTP/2 connection, client: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, server: This is so far only happening whenby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
It crashes with pagespeed module now. 1.9.10 was working fine. Andrejs.by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
I experience the same issue, but I do not have the module reported by anonymous user installed: system:~#nginx -t Floating point exception dmesg: [659221.307369] traps: nginx[20028] trap divide error ip:422fba sp:7ffd8c72a8a0 error:0 in nginx[400000+95d000]by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Joó Ádám Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The TLS extension is the only method to implement Certificate > Transparency without the assistance of the CA, and starting with > January 1 2015 Chrome refuses to display the green bar for EV > certificates without Certificate Transparency. > > StartSSL is one CA that currently does not supporby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
How about this: server { listen 80; server_name *.mydomain.com; return 301 https://$http_host$request_uri; } Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
I am sorry, I found the answer to my own question: HTTP/2 uses SPDY as a jumping-off point. HTTP/2, however, uses a fixed Huffman code-based header compression algorithm, instead of SPDY's dynamic stream-based compression. This helps to reduce the potential for attacks on the protocol.by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Maxim, How is compression of headers taking place when using the new http_v2 module? Does "spdy_headers_comp" directive have any replacement in the http_v2 module? I looked at the source code but couldn't find any info. Are headers compressed by default now? Andrejsby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Maxim, Maxim Dounin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > As already replied in russian list, currently (going to be fixed) > this may be done only with a hack like > > geo $x { > default "${include_path}:/my/other/include/path"; > } > > fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE $x; > > which relies on tby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Oleksandr V. Typlyns'kyi Wrote: > Как видно из кода стороннего модуля(а туда тоже следовало бы > посмотреть), > там несколько return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST без записи чего-либо в лог > ошибок. > И они явно намекают на content type который теперby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
(Request-Line) GET /??/_common/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js,/_common/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.cookie.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.json.min.js,/_common/jquery/json3.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.cookiejar.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.blockUI.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.spin.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.toggleElements.min.js,/_common/jquery/linkselect/lib/jqby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
> Это единственный сервер для listen 80? Нет.by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Забыл сообщить, что использую concat module https://github.com/alibaba/nginx-http-concat для конкатенации Javascript/CSS файлов в один запрос. Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
/var/log/cm.access_log: - - [01/Sep/2013:12:54:52 +0200] "GET /??/_common/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js,/_common/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.cookie.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.json.min.js,/_common/jquery/json3.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.cookiejar.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.blockUI.min.js,/_common/jquery/jquery.spin.min.js,/_common/jquby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Странно, но абсолютно ничего. Я бы написал если бы было чего. error_log /var/log/nginx/cm.error_log info; Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Наблюдаю интересную картину. При длинном $uri (адресной строка = 750 символов) nginx 1.5.4 выдает 400 Bad Request, в то время как nginx 1.5.3 не выдаёт ошибок и показывает страницу как полагается. значение large_client_header_buffers в конфигурации в оby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
Наверное, вы этого не ждёте, но правильнее всего это было бы сделать в файле index.php: <?php .... if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'register') { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 403 Forbidden'); printf("Access denied.\n"); exit; } .... ?> Андрейby locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - Russian
VoodoKobra, with your version location "/resources/images" will not be captured. Andrejsby locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hello, Maybe you don't need PHP at all to resize images, as there is native nginx module that performs this job. http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpImageFilterModule It does all what you need and will put less strain on your server than the PHP backend mat have. Andrejsby locojohn - How to...
location ~ ^/(favicon\.ico$|resources/|robots\.txt$) { include caching.conf; } location ~ ^/ { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; proxy_pass http://tomcat1; proxy_pass_header server; gzip_vary off; }by locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
Here's the nginx version: server { location = /favicon.ico { include caching.conf; } location /resources/ { include caching.conf; } location = robots.txt { include caching.conf; } location ~ ^/ { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; proxy_pass http://toby locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
I would suggest not to use any ready-to-use-conversion-tools but rather learn the differences and convert the hosts manually one by one. It took me a couple of days to convert all of our sites to nginx and two weeks more to realize the differences of Apache and Nginx handling very specific cases, such as PHP environment in particular scenario where old PHP scripts would rely on SCRIPT_URI/SCRIPT_by locojohn - Nginx Mailing List - English
Johann, you are very welcome and I am happy to open you the world of perl regex assertions, but in spite of your original question this should not be a problem because of the order locations are defined and processed. See http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/request_processing.html for the rules about location/request processing order. So if you define: location = /favicon.ico { // need to inclby locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
You are welcome. :)by locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
Use negative regex assertion: location ~ ^/(?!(favicon\.ico|resources|robots\.txt)) { .... # your stuff } Andrejs loco (at) andrews.lvby locojohn - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hello, Perhaps, late answer but I am trying to help anyway. nginx does not support .htaccess files per directory, so you must configure expire on the server level, instead: server { ... location ~ \.gif$ { expires 1M; } location ~ \.html?$ { expires 1w; } ... } Andrejs loco (at) andrews.lvby locojohn - Migration from Other Servers
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