Hi forumers, I'm trying to get tine20 running under nginx but I don't know how to translate apache rewrites: # ActiveSync RewriteRule ^Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync index.php?frontend=activesync # WebDAV / CalDAV / CardDAV RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^(GET|POST)$ RewriteRule ^$ index.php?frontend=webdav RewriteRule ^addressbooksby Jiff - Migration from Other Servers
Hi Forumators, Everything is done from home. I've a small cms (the exxxcellent lightspeed razorcms) from which I serve my own little site: adsl box is forwarding the external port 80 to svr.loc:80, and everything's fine. What I would like to do - IF it is possible - is to add a "page" into my site that is in fact a wiki installed on another LAN machine (svrwiki.loc); my guess isby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks to the both of you, I'll stick to include + a cron script to exchange include files. Regards. Jiffby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
myserver.org_dokuwiki_http_https_main.conf ================================== # DOKUWIKI NOT-ON-ROOT MAIN FILE: BROWSE HTTP + DANGEROUS AREAS HTTPS #==================================================================== # 2012-07-01 - Author: Jean-Yves F. Barbier - lazyvirus<at]gmx{dot)com # File: myserver.org_dokuwiki_http_https_main.conf # MOD'OP: Just symlink this file into /etc/by Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi forulisters, I've got a bunch of IP addresses and IP ranges I'd like to redirect to, let's say the amnesty international site (they're mainly from gov). I read http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpAccessModule but as I've got many of them I'm wondering if nginx can read a text file (or something else) instead of put all these addresses in a block? I'd also like if I can have a round-robiby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi Francis, Well, I shouldn't work that much ]:-) In fact there was so much tests, comments, etc that I missed the main problem: I use 2 files, the 2nd one being common to different servers in the 1st one; I just didn't saw I was refering to an old version:( Thanks anyway for you patience and hints that helped me to debug that. Jiffby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi Francis, > > Original dirs exclusion: > > location ~ /(data|conf|bin|inc)/ { > > deny all; > > } > > > > Of course, this won't work w/ my changes, > > ....why "of course"? I'm cursed w/ IT & electronics: they hate me, I must have pissed off Murphy in another live:):( > The original example wanted to blocby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi forumers, I'm trying to set a configuration up for DW but I'm going mad with the regexps:( My starter is the conf file found on the nginx wiki, but modified not to point DW to the server root: server { server_name wiki.domain.tld; ### root /var/www/dokuwiki; root /var/www; location /dokuwiki { index doku.php; try_files $uri $uri/ @dokuwiki; } bla blaby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi forumers, I don't know how to translate the following .htaccess to nginx rules (from bluebox): <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # Turn on URL rewriting RewriteEngine On # Installation directory ###RewriteBase /kohana/ # If the request is for a modules assets directory allow it RewriteRule ^modules/.*/assets/.*$ - # Protect application and system filesby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
No I don't run tracd. As a matter of fact, I left gunicorn because even if it is fast, one can't login/logout with proxying (AFAIK); so now I use nginx + supplied script: fcgi_frontend.py.by Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, I use nginx + gunicorn (under Debian squeeze) to run trac. It is working very well when I access it by http://domain.tld/; my problem is I also have other servers, but only one domain (dyndns) without (free) subdomains; so, I'd like to access trac as said in the subject. I found how to rewrite eg: domain.tld/wiki to domain.tld/trac/wiki, but trac answers it is not one of its pages (noby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks, deny + redirecting toward my own 403 page will do :)by Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, I've got a "location /" with many rewrite ruels, and I add it (at the end): location ~ ^.*\/adm { allow; deny all; } It is working very well BUT when machine tries to go to admin page, the browser ask me if I want to download index.php!? What is wrong?by Jiff - How to...
Hi forumers, As I can't test it, I'd like to know if my redirect code is correct or not: location / { if ($remote_addr ~ "^("){ rewrite ^/(.*)$ /operation_deny3m.html permanent; } if ($remote_addr ~ "^("){ rewrite ^/(.*)$ /operation_deny3m.html peby Jiff - Nginx Mailing List - English