Thanks for your help, Cliff. I have a feeling that what you say is spot-on. Perhaps from that tutorial I have added in some kind of redirect or something that is causing the ? links to not work without an appended &. It's really weird. Maybe I should try replacing the & with another ?. If I'm removing the first ? by default, that would make sense then. Although, I have checked the site acrby jamz - Nginx Mailing List - English
Just to clarify -- this is the tutorial I followed: In my vhost file I had to add client_max_body_size 60M, and in nginx.conf I configured gzip but otherwise everything's about the same setup. I'm on nginx jamz - Nginx Mailing List - English
What I'm saying is that my links don't work correctly unless I do that. I have no idea why. For example, when I could click a link that would take me to something/some?_wpnonce1234 it would take me to an error page that said "are you sure you want to do this?" but when I added the ampersand, it worked as designed. so something/some?&_wpnonce1234 would work. So now I've gone through mby jamz - Nginx Mailing List - English
In a Wordpress/Buddypress installation, I am having to go through all my code and manually insert ampersands. For example, where there are links to things such as "?r=user" I am having to convert that into "?&r=user" in order for the link to do the required function. Or when it says "?_wpnonce" I am needing to change it to "?&_wpnonce". Am I missby jamz - Nginx Mailing List - English