Thanks for your help, Cliff. I have a feeling that what you say is spot-on. Perhaps from that tutorial I have added in some kind of redirect or something that is causing the ? links to not work without an appended &. It's really weird. Maybe I should try replacing the & with another ?. If I'm removing the first ? by default, that would make sense then. Although, I have checked the site across many browsers now, and everything is working exactly how it should. Load times are extremely fast. Before, I got lots of error messages. So while this fix isn't necessarily correct, it seems to be working, and as I've repeated it across different links, they all start to work. So I'm going to roll with it for now...I'm on a time crunch to get this up. I'll have to look more into it later.
Until then, if you or anyone thinks of anything, please make a shout :)