Thank you both, I was forced to install in the default path and it only worked if i made a symbolic link in /usr/lib to the place where libevent library was. I use php-fpm from svn, I'm not sure if your patch will work with that ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hi, I've tried every solution I could find but ti keeps giving me this error although obviously libevent 1.4.12 is installed. I installed libevent 1.4.12 in /opt/local/libevent and is located in opt/local/libevent/lib. Every time I compile php it gives me this error. I tried using --with-libevent=shared, /opt/local/libevent and other solutions, any ideas ? Thanksby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
I have succesfully Installed the latest php-fpm from but I still have a few questions. 1. How to create an init script for strat/stop/restart php-fpm ? I didn't find any way to do that. With the php-fpm from github I think it was automatically created, is this the case here or I'm missing something ? 2. I'm a little confuseby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
I have the following configuration for vhost: server { listen 80; server_name; #redirect www to non-www rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent; } server { listen 80; server_name; access_log /home/mydomain/log/access.log; error_log /home/mydomain/log/ ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I want to redirect all calls to to to avoid duplicate pages.I use this if ($request_uri ~* "^/index.php\??$") { rewrite ^.*$ http://$host? permanent; } but it doesn't seem to work properly. Although it redirects I cannot login or logout anymore in Joomla, it simply redirect to homepage without login or logout. What am i missing hereby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, I'm new to php-fpm so I'm not sure what this notices from log are. It seems like php-fpm children dies in low traffic. It is normal ? My site have no traffic, except mine (is in testing). I configured 4 vhosts with nginx, only one has traffic (my traffic). For every vhost I configured a pool, every pool has 2 php-cgi children configured (8 totally) Oct 01 13:56:37.121899 fpm_got_signal(by ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hi, although by default php-fpm is installed in /usr/local/bin/php-fpm, when starting, it will fail to locate it (/bin/php-fpm not found). It only works If --with-fpm-bin is specified but that should be optional since php-fpm is installed in the default location. Sure it's not a big problem and I think the fix should be easy (if this was not intended)by ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
dreamcat four Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ktm, > if you can tell us which version of libevent (and > which linux > distribution) you had available, it would help us > to better cover > those range of libevent versions that are in > circulation. I have ubuntu 8.04 lts server, here is the libevent package that is in repositories htby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
While i manage to install php-fpm after reading some topics and put the informations together I think installation of php-fpm should go much smoother. I'm trying to use php-fpm on ubuntu 8.04 LTS. - I read this guide on how to install php-fpm While it mentions two methods of installing, it documents only one. Also the link in the guide for downloading php-fpm is wrby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
I think i got it, if i add this, it works but the images of phpmyadmin don't show, maybe a permission issue ? ndex index.php index.htm index.html; location ^~ /phpmyadmin/ { root /usr/share; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass 127.0.0:9002; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/phpby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I don't know what tot say, here is my config file (after the sample with subdomain that works) but it still doesn't work. phpmyadmin is installed in /usr/share/phpmyadmin and site works fine, so it's no error in my config file. it works only when I create a new vhost file like this and access phpmyadmin as a subdomain server { listen 80; server_name; access_by ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I added this,I verify it, everything is correct, my site works fine but accessing still doesn't work, a 500 server errror appears.location ~ /phpmyadmin/.*\.php$ { root /usr/share/; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi_params;by ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, phpmyadmin is installed in /usr/share/phpmyadmin and i have the following vhost configuration file. How to configure phpmyadmin so i can use: youserver { listen 80; server_name; #redirect www to non-www rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent; } serverby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi I installed xcache on my server, I just wondering if installing memcached would speed up things. I think not but an expert opinion of someone more experienced would help.So, nginx+xcache / nginx+memcached or nginx +memcached+ xcache or other solution ? What is fastest ?Thank youby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I think i got it, i misunderstood you Igor, i just created a default vhost with below code, strip down the other vhosts, and put server names for all.Now it's working fine. (I know it seems I'm talking to myself on nginx forum :), but I don't know where to reply, it seems that mail list response don't appear here) server { server_name _;return 444; ## Only allow GET and HEby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I don't know what's happening here, i'm posting at the nginx forums and I saw the responses on some mailing list by mistake and not at the forums. I'm not really sure if nginx forum is integrated with mailing list or maybe i understand wrong. Anyway if i add this server_name_;return 444; to one vhost , it works fine, no errors Is this configuration ok Igor ? Those if's are rewrites of jby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
This is my vhost file.Basically for every vhost i just copy this and change domain name. What i'm missing here, why if i add the second vhost it gives me that error ? server { listen 80; server_name; #redirect www to non-www rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent; } server { listen 80;by ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, i have a strange problem, I configured two vhosts files but when i start nginx it gives the following error although the two vhosts are configured correctly, almost identical (except domain names). When I remove one vhost everything is ok. In both vhosts file server name is set, i don't understand what kind of conflicting server name could possibly be. I also added this to one of the vhost, noby ktm - Nginx Mailing List - English
I got it, thank you. It works well, easy and efficient solution, php-fpm rocks :)by ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Stupid question :), how do I know which user/group is serving which site and how can i precisely "assign" user/group to a certain site. For example I have and I want both to be run under different user names, for example for ---ww-data and for - www-userby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hi, I'm new to php-fpm and generally pretty new to web servers. I configured nginx + php-5.2.10 + php-fpm patch, everything is working fine but now i have a problem, i didn't find any good documentation. I want to run every website on my server under a different user so if one site is compromised it won't affect the others. I understand that is easy to do that with php-fpm but I don't know exactby ktm - Php-fpm Mailing List - English