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Re: php-fpm - error: libevent >= 1.4.11 could not be found - is driving me crazy

Posted by Mathew Davies 
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This problem lies with the configure script

See this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/php-fpm/+bug/501269

I patched it here:

Now everything works as expected.

On 11 April 2010 23:26, dkierans <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:

> Yes I had this problem too. I tried a few things that *should have* worked
> but didn't. In the end I forced it to in stall in /usr/local/lib and not the
> libevent directory. It was a little while back so fuzzy about the exact
> steps but the configure script was the problem. I did not specify any lib
> paths on my configure line.
> One thing that does help it run the configure with sh -x ./configure 2>&1
> | tee report.dump and see exactly what configure thinks it needs to do.
> The next problem you might encounter after this it the "test" of the
> libevent from configure giving and error. For me this was fixed by making
> sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH knew where to find it when configure was run.
> Good luck.
> Posted at Nginx Forum:
> http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?3,73839,73899#msg-73899

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Re: php-fpm - error: libevent >= 1.4.11 could not be found - is driving me crazy
April 14, 2010 09:15AM
Thank you both, I was forced to install in the default path and it only worked if i made a symbolic link in /usr/lib to the place where libevent library was.
I use php-fpm from svn, I'm not sure if your patch will work with that too.
i also ran into this problem on opensolaris (svn_111) using the svn
php-fpm (both trunk and 5_3 branch). the only workaround seems to be
to uninstall any existing libevent (in my case SUNWlibevent v1.3.x),
and compile libevent 1.4.13 using --PREFIX=/usr

all variations of --with-libevent-dir=DIR result in the "not found"
error. the patch linked above doesn't seem to apply to the svn version

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Re: php-fpm - error: libevent >= 1.4.11 could not be found - is driving me crazy
April 25, 2010 03:10AM
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:11 AM, ThomasH <outnow.ch@gmail.com> wrote:
> i also ran into this problem on opensolaris (svn_111) using the svn
> php-fpm (both trunk and 5_3 branch). the only workaround seems to be
> to uninstall any existing libevent (in my case SUNWlibevent v1.3.x),
> and compile libevent 1.4.13 using --PREFIX=/usr
> all variations of --with-libevent-dir=DIR result in the "not found"
> error. the patch linked above doesn't seem to apply to the svn version
> anymore.

I remember setting library path by using crle before compiling php-fpm
on opensolaris. By doing that I was able to succesfully compile and
run php-fpm.

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