I have succesfully Installed the latest php-fpm from http://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3_FPM/sapi/fpm/ but I still have a few questions.
1. How to create an init script for strat/stop/restart php-fpm ? I didn't find any way to do that. With the php-fpm from github I think it was automatically created, is this the case here or I'm missing something ?
2. I'm a little confused about the options, now i have to add "--fpm-config path to config" to start php-fpm. Is this mandatory ? Where does it look for config file and in what form ? I rename php-fpm.conf.default in php-fpm.conf but I still have to add the path to it.
I didn't find any documentation, probably there isn't any. Anyway i appreciate if you can help me with this.