Hey Guy's,
I have looked through this forum and through the various bits of documentation I have found online as to URL rewrites in Nginx and haven't been able to find anything close to what I need, i'm not even sure it is possible.
What I would like to do is be able to support as many variables as wanted in the URL and still have them passed to the URL variable handler. How this is achieved is open so long as the variables can be parsed out of the URL using PHP, I think this would be a good use of a rewrite array if there is such a thing. I am way over my head with this and would like some help either with examples of what would work or by directing me somewhere that deals with this specific issue. I have tried searching for "nginx url rewrite" and "url rewrite array" and can't find anything useful or if it was useful I couldn't follow it.
I am an experienced PHP programmer but have had limited exposure to regular expressions, especially in the form of URL rewrite rules.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.