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Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

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J. Lewis Muir
September 04, 2019 11:30AM
On 09/04, Jürgen Wagner (DVT) wrote:
> Now, you want to be able to say what is the "current" version and reflect
> this in the URL namespace as well. In the file system, that's a symbolic
> link. In the URL namespace of NGINX, that could be a redirection (status
> code 307). Both approaches would work. For the redirection you need a
> location

Got it! Thank you! So this approach versions the URI.

> /{app}/current
> which redirects any request for paths starting with this to the actual
> version you want to serve:
> /{app}/releases/{latestVersion}
> This can be achieved with a dynamically-generated stub you include in a
> "map" directive (requiring NGINX reload in case of changes) or a "keyval"
> map that can be changed via the NGINX API on the fly as you need it (not
> requiring reloads). The mapping will get the app name and determine the path
> of the latest version where the redirection should go to.

Got it.

> The issue about browser and proxy caches: if over time you serve multiple
> versions of an app from the same URLs, browsers (or proxies) may consider
> their cached version of some files current enough not to feel motivated
> refetching them. In some cases, you would end up with some files loaded into
> the browser being of an old version, some already a newer one. This can be
> avoided entirely by giving each version of the app a distinct canonical
> prefix that will never be re-used. The "current" redirection is simply a
> pointer to the right location for the latest version, but as it is an
> external redirection, the browser will ultimately load the app from the
> official "releases" path with the version number in it.

Wouldn't the 307 redirection mean that for *every* request, nginx has to
issue a 307 and then the client has to request the versioned URI which
nginx then has to server; so a double-request for every resource?

I agree that this approach solves the browser and proxy cache problem,

How does this solve the request-chain problem where "part1.php" executes
in one version of the app, but then "part2.php" executes in the updated
version because the updated version was deployed in between? I presume
it doesn't, which is OK, but I want to make sure I understand.

Do you know of any mainstream web apps that are deployed this way
(i.e., 307 redirect to versioned URI)?

Thank you!

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 30, 2019 01:34PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 30, 2019 02:22PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 30, 2019 02:38PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 30, 2019 03:00PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly August 30, 2019 04:56PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 30, 2019 06:00PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly August 30, 2019 07:22PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly August 31, 2019 03:28AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 31, 2019 11:06AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 31, 2019 10:12AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly August 31, 2019 04:52PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 31, 2019 05:56PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly September 02, 2019 05:04PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir September 03, 2019 01:28PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir September 03, 2019 05:32PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Ian Hobson August 30, 2019 03:02PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir August 31, 2019 11:32AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Francis Daly August 30, 2019 04:34PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

gariac August 30, 2019 05:24PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

Ian Hobson August 31, 2019 10:42AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

j94305 August 30, 2019 06:28PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

gariac August 31, 2019 03:20PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir September 03, 2019 11:30PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x? Attachments

j94305 September 03, 2019 11:56PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir September 04, 2019 11:30AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x? Attachments

j94305 September 04, 2019 11:44AM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

J. Lewis Muir September 04, 2019 12:32PM

Re: Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

j94305 September 10, 2019 02:46PM

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