On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:33:17PM -0500, J. Lewis Muir wrote:
Hi there,
> I'm wishing to be able to do an internal redirect
> in nginx to URL x, but deny an external request to the same URL x so
> that I don't serve the same content at more than one URL. Is there a
> way to do that?
> For example, given the external request URI
> /my-app/index.html
> I want to do an internal redirect to
> /my-app/current/index.html
> but deny an external request for that same URI
> /my-app/current/index.html
It sounds like you want "internal": http://nginx.org/r/internal
> In my nginx config, I've changed $document_root to $realpath_root in the
> appropriate FastCGI parameters, and have the following locations:
> location /my-app/ {
> rewrite ^/my-app/(?!current/)(.*)$ /my-app/current/$1 last;
> index index.php;
> }
> location /my-app/current/ {
> return 404;
> }
> location /my-app/releases/ {
> return 404;
> }
> location ~ ^/my-app/.*?[^/]\.php(?:/|$) {
> include php-fpm-realpath.conf;
> }
Note that you might want things like "location ^~ /my-app/current/",
if you want that location to handle (and reject) an external request
for /my-app/current/app.php.
Francis Daly francis@daoine.org
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