I don't know if what you're experiencing is related to a problem I'm still tracking down, specifically that multiple redundant read-streams and corresponding temp_files are being opened to read the same file from a backend server for what appears to be a single initial get request by a client for a large mp4 file which was not yet been locally reverse proxy cashed by nginx as an substantially static file. This appears to end up creating 6-10x more traffic and disk activity than is actually required to cache the single file (depending on how many redundant read-stream/temp_files are created. If a server is attempting to reverse proxy many such relatively large files, it could easily saturate nginx with network/disk traffic until most such files requested were eventually locally cached.
On Jun 27, 2014, at 4:30 PM, c0nw0nk <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
> My new soloution did not last very long everything shot up again so the mp4
> function is needed to drop I/O usage but as of what the optimal setting for
> the buffers are realy does baffle me
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,251186,251265#msg-251265
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