February 10, 2014 07:25AM

> The only thing you can specify is ssl_client_certificate (and
> ssl_client_certificate_key), and it is used only in connections
> with clients.

Following Nginx docs (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html#ssl_certificate) you can specify ssl_certificate_key and ssl_certificate files in an nginx conf file which specifies the files with the certificate in PEM format for the given virtual server. The ssl_client_certificate configuration refers to CA cert used to verify clients.

I'll rephrase the question. I'm interested in server certificates (not client). The ssl_certificate_key file is used as a private key for the server to decrypt ssl connections for clients. I'm looking to configure another key for encrypting ssl connections from niginx server to upstream server.
Subject Author Posted

Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 08, 2014 07:39PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Maxim Dounin February 09, 2014 04:14PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:13PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:24PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Maxim Dounin February 10, 2014 04:14AM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 10, 2014 05:08AM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 10, 2014 07:25AM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 10, 2014 09:46AM

Re: RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 11, 2014 05:51PM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 11, 2014 06:00PM

Re: RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 11, 2014 06:05PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

itpp2012 February 09, 2014 05:15PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:21PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

itpp2012 February 10, 2014 03:35AM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 10, 2014 07:15AM

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