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Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

February 09, 2014 07:13PM
> Connections to upstream servers don't use any client certificates.

Yes I agree. The connection to the upstream server uses the nginx server certificates specified by $ssl_certificate(_key).
Basically I want to use:
for downstream to client - a.cert & a.cert.key for connection to clients
for upstream to upstream servers - b.cert & b.cert.key for connection to upstream servers.

The https & server modules of Nginx only allow you to specify a single cert pair via $ssl_certificate(_key)
Subject Author Posted

Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 08, 2014 07:39PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Maxim Dounin February 09, 2014 04:14PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:13PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:24PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Maxim Dounin February 10, 2014 04:14AM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 10, 2014 05:08AM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 10, 2014 07:25AM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 10, 2014 09:46AM

Re: RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 11, 2014 05:51PM

RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

Lukas Tribus February 11, 2014 06:00PM

Re: RE: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 11, 2014 06:05PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

itpp2012 February 09, 2014 05:15PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 09, 2014 07:21PM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

itpp2012 February 10, 2014 03:35AM

Re: Proxy to upstream HTTPS server *with different* keys/certs in nginx

tbamise February 10, 2014 07:15AM

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