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Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

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October 05, 2013 11:12AM
Maxim Dounin Wrote:
> Your use case seems to be perfectly covered by a keepalive connections
> support, which is already here. See http://nginx.org/r/keepalive.

OK, yeah that would work for me. Thanks.

There is still the possibility that long running requests could clog the connections, but I can work around that by listening on two different ports and having nginx route the quickies to their dedicated port.
Subject Author Posted

Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

zjerryj March 09, 2013 09:44AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Maxim Dounin March 11, 2013 08:14AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 09:02PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

B.R. July 19, 2013 09:28PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 10:05PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 10:50PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 10:59PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 11:07PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

B.R. July 19, 2013 11:42PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 19, 2013 11:55PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

B.R. July 20, 2013 12:12AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 12:28AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 12:36AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 12:41AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 12:43AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 01:02AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 12:51AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 12:42AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 12:50AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

GreenGecko July 20, 2013 01:02AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 01:02AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 01:05AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 01:11AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 01:10AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 01:23AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 01:25AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 01:44AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 03:52AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

momyc July 20, 2013 04:17AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Igor Sysoev July 20, 2013 05:20AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

DevNginx October 04, 2013 09:43AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Maxim Dounin October 04, 2013 12:50PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

DevNginx October 05, 2013 11:12AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Wter S. September 14, 2014 03:24PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Maxim Dounin September 15, 2014 06:44AM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Wter S. September 15, 2014 12:18PM

Re: Why Nginx Doesn't Implement FastCGI Multiplexing?

Maxim Dounin September 16, 2014 08:02AM

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