> > Dump question, but why did you put the vhost-files into "conf.d"?
> > Normally
> > they are stored in "sites-available" and symlinked in "sites-enabled".
> > nginx
> > (as apache) uses this directory to read all information about the
> > Are there any templates in "sites-enabled"? How do they look like?
> To be honest I don' know. When I've setup this configuration (more than
> year ago I think) I've probably take 2 or 3 days on #nginx IRC channel
> when it was working I've never modified the configuration.
If your install is anything like, mine there was no sites-available and
sites-enabled directories. I used the directions on the download page to
install the stable version. (
followed by "yum install nginx") /etc/nginx.conf had an include for
conf.d and in that directory, they had a sample
From the context, I take it the sites-available directory had the various
site definition files, and for those that you want to use, you create the
link in sites-enabled, much like rc3.d links to init.d?
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