So you are actually runningĀ 1.3.10? What modules have you build in, and whats your exact configuration? What is the error logfile saying at crash time?
You may need to run a debug build of nginx to track this down further [1]...
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why
> Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 08:05:21 +0100
> Hello,
> my nginx webserver crashes sometimes and I don't know why. It's not on every
> day and not at the same time as the crash before. I just get sometimes a
> message from my monitoring service that my http server isn't working
> anymore. Then I restart nginx and everything is working fine again - till
> the next mysterious crash.
> So how I can find out why it crashes? I use the latest development version
> of nginx. I have the problem since 1.3.8 or 1.3.9 (I guess).
> Thanks for any help! :)
> Greets from Austria,
> Patrik / Patschi
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