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RE: AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus
January 09, 2013 03:26PM
> Thanks for your help, but I don't really understand the part with "coredump"
> and "backtrace"...

1. Recompile nginx with CFLAGS="-g -O0" (for debugging symbols and without compiler optimization). You can just prepend it to your ./configure line.
../configure --with-debug --with-ipv6 --with-http_flv_module --with-http_mp4_module
CFLAGS="-g -O0" ./configure --with-debug --with-ipv6 --with-http_flv_module --with-http_mp4_module

2. compile nginx with "make" like you always do.

3. create a directory for the core files and make it readable from your workers. For example: mkdir /nginx-core-dumps/ && chmod a+w /nginx-core-dumps/

4. add this to your nginx configuration:
worker_rlimit_core  500M;
working_directory   /nginx-core-dumps/;

5. (install and) start nginx and wait until it crashes. It should have created the core-dump in /nginx-core-dumps/.

6. (install and) start gdb: gdb nginx /nginx-core-dumps/nginx.core

7. within gdb, run the commands "bt" and "backtrace full", followed by a "quit".

8. Post the gdb output on this mailing list, the developers will analyze it then.

I hope I didn't missed anything, but I think this should be it. Example at [1].

[1] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=NPjdQcVu

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 07, 2013 02:06AM

RE: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus January 07, 2013 04:06AM

AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 07, 2013 04:20AM

RE: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus January 07, 2013 04:38AM

AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 07, 2013 04:42AM

RE: AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus January 07, 2013 04:56AM

AW: AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 25, 2013 08:04PM

AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 07, 2013 06:48AM

RE: AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus January 07, 2013 05:50PM

Re: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Maxim Dounin January 07, 2013 10:50PM

AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Patrik Kernstock January 08, 2013 11:24PM

RE: AW: AW: Webserver crashes sometimes - don't know why

Lukas Tribus January 09, 2013 03:26PM

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