What do your system tuning look like? Show an output of ulimit and
sysctl please
On 8/30/11, w3elf <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
> Hmm That makes sense, but in my case, i cant figure out why i am
> experiencing this issue:
> IE, 1gb nginx server handles 300 requests per second but a 2gb nginx
> server handles 700 requests per second. Everything else is identical in
> the. The weird is that the ram usage on these tests is very low.
> So my question is, why would increasing the total system ram affect the
> server performance if total ram usage is very low in the first place???
> Posted at Nginx Forum:
> http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,214412,214531#msg-214531
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Payam Tarverdyan Chychi
Network Security Specialist / Network Engineer
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