here have the debugging log
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [notice] 21403#0: signal 10 (SIGUSR1) received, reopening logs
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: wake up, sigio 0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [notice] 21403#0: reopening logs
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/error.log", old:9 new:8
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/access.log", old:10 new:9
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/ct.error", old:11 new:10
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/dev/shm/logger", old:12 new:11
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/videoshot.log", old:13 new:12
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/dev/null", old:24 new:13
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/pl.log", old:4 new:24
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: reopen file "/var/log/nginx/info.log", old:6 new:5
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: child: 0 21404 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: child: 1 21405 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: child: 2 21406 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: child: 3 21407 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: child: 4 21408 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:02 [debug] 21403#0: sigsuspend
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [alert] 21403#0: worker process 21404 exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: wake up, sigio 0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: reap children
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 0 21404 e:0 t:1 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:0 pid:21404 to:21405
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:0 pid:21404 to:21406
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:0 pid:21404 to:21407
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:0 pid:21404 to:21408
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: channel 3:7
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: start worker process 26121
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:0 pid:26121 fd:3 to s:1 pid:21405 fd:16
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:0 pid:26121 fd:3 to s:2 pid:21406 fd:18
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:0 pid:26121 fd:3 to s:3 pid:21407 fd:20
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:0 pid:26121 fd:3 to s:4 pid:21408 fd:22
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 1 21405 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 2 21406 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 3 21407 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 4 21408 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: sigsuspend
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: wake up, sigio 0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: sigsuspend
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [alert] 21403#0: worker process 21406 exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: wake up, sigio 0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: reap children
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 0 26121 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 1 21405 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 2 21406 e:0 t:1 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:2 pid:21406 to:26121
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:2 pid:21406 to:21405
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:2 pid:21406 to:21407
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass close channel s:2 pid:21406 to:21408
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: channel 15:18
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: start worker process 26126
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:2 pid:26126 fd:15 to s:0 pid:26121 fd:3
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:2 pid:26126 fd:15 to s:1 pid:21405 fd:16
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:2 pid:26126 fd:15 to s:3 pid:21407 fd:20
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: pass channel s:2 pid:26126 fd:15 to s:4 pid:21408 fd:22
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 3 21407 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: child: 4 21408 e:0 t:0 d:0 r:1 j:0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: sigsuspend
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [notice] 21403#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: wake up, sigio 0
2011/08/26 19:20:06 [debug] 21403#0: sigsuspend