In my case of such config I was able to force perl application to build
links inside with https. If your links don't have any scheme, then
user's browser will use existing one.
Also, you should avoid rewrites with schemes on nginx side.
i.e. rewrite ^ permanent; should be avoided, because
it enforces to use http.
On 3/9/2011 4:39 PM, Jarek Zmudzinski wrote:
> The setup looks like this:
> 443 | F5 Load Balancer | 80 /---> NGINX(with Passenger)
> USER<------>| with SSL certificate |------|
> | installed | |----> NGINX(with Passenger)
> |
> \---> NGINX(with Passenger)
> Communication between user and load balancer is going through
> port 443 and between load balancer and webservers is going through
> port 80.
> What would be the correct nginx configuration for webservers, so they
> don't redirect https://... connections to http://....
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