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Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Jarek Zmudzinski
March 10, 2011 03:32AM
Jeffrey Lim wrote in post #986479:

> but you could also (and should) redirect to https instead?

Yeah, but this way I would still have to setup nginx to listen on 443
and include ssl_certificate on NGINX webservers. This would result in
secure communication on port 443 between F5 LB and NGINX webservers. I
don't want that.

What I would like is to NGINX listen to https:// on port 80 this way any
https request to F5 LB could still be taken care of by NGINX listening
on port 80 without being redirected to http. But I am afraid it's not

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Subject Author Posted

HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Jarek Zmudzinski March 09, 2011 08:42AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

vt March 09, 2011 08:52AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Jeffrey 'jf' Lim March 09, 2011 08:58AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Jarek Zmudzinski March 10, 2011 03:32AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Jarek Zmudzinski March 24, 2011 08:26AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

vt March 24, 2011 01:42PM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

genarg April 06, 2011 11:11AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

fjctlzy April 06, 2011 11:14AM

Re: HTTPS - NGINX with Passenger webservers behind F5 load balancer

Oleksandr V. Typlyns'kyi March 09, 2011 09:26AM

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