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[error] OpenEvent(...) failed (2: the system cannot find the file specified)

Posted by cixx6 
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[error] OpenEvent(...) failed (2: the system cannot find the file specified)
June 25, 2020 10:46PM
So after installing nginx I've had some difficulties getting it to work. firstly i've discovered i have to use the entire route

C:\\...\\...\\nginx\\nginx -s reload

to run commands. Which I'm okay with, but have the error

C:\\nginx\\nginx -s reload
nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_2836") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)

whenever I use a command.

I'm guessing these two issues our related, and I wouldn't even consider the former an issue, as I'm okay with it, but the inability to run any command with a returned error seems like fatal issue.

I did some scrounging around to no avail, so if anyone has some questions or advice or would need further diagnosis to solve my problem, please show some love. Thanks.
Re: [error] OpenEvent(...) failed (2: the system cannot find the file specified)
March 22, 2021 03:10PM
Hello, Have you ever find a solution for the issue above?

Re: [error] OpenEvent(...) failed (2: the system cannot find the file specified)
March 22, 2021 05:03PM

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/

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