my project is already described in the headline.
pydio is running and I can access it very well via browser.
I was not able to get WebDAV running which leads to some lines in my config file without effect?!
I tried to add some rewrite things because if I click reload if pydio user is logged in I receive " No input file specified."
WHy did I want to add this? PydioSync Clients on Windows are not working without some adjustments like rewrite.
baikal was quite fast installed and I can login via browser.
I am not able to connect via a client caldav. The log in my client showes the same error message as above.
I would like to ask you if you could have a look on my myserver.my-wan.de.conf file.
I hope you can tell me the needed commands for my issues and maybe you have good improvments for me.
Many thanks in advance!!!
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