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500 Internal Server Error - Welcome to nginx!

Posted by david_zamora 
500 Internal Server Error - Welcome to nginx!
May 08, 2014 04:23PM
Hello , I installed ispconfig on my vps and I uploaded the wordpress files ftp , when trying to access my domain, I get error: '500 Internal Server Error ', well no www or without www redirects .. These are my files :

/ etc / nginx / sites -available / domain

server {
listen * : 80 ;
root / var / www / domain.com / web ;

server_name domain.com www.domain.com ;
index index.php index.html index.html ;

location / {
? try_files $ uri $ uri / / index.php $ uri & q = $ args ;

error_page 400 / error/404.html ;
error_page 500 502 504 / 50x.html ;
recursive_error_pages on ;

error_log / var / log / ispconfig / httpd / domain.com / error.log ;
access_log / var / log / ispconfig / httpd / domain.com / access.log combined ;

location / stats / {

index index.php index.html ;
auth_basic "Members Only " ;
auth_basic_user_file / var/www/clients/client0/web3/web/stats / htpasswd_stats . ;

location ^ ~ / awstats -icon {
alias / usr / share / awstats / icon ;

location ~ \ . php $ {
try_files / f7353ed3642bbbc08e4209a6028762cd.htm @ php ;

location @ php {
try_files $ uri = 404;
include / etc / nginx / fastcgi_params ;
fastcgi_pass unix :/ var/lib/php5-fpm/web3.sock ;
fastcgi_index index.php ;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $ document_root $ fastcgi_script_name ;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on ;


Can someone help me please? I offer $ 10 reward to whom help me solve this issue.

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