Maxim Dounin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And we even have a trac ticket for this: > > A tested workaround with Lua and a single IF with a return then: location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; set $mmode 0; set_by_lua $notused ' s = 0;by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Ok clear enough, I'd still consider it some kind of bug (it makes no sense for try_files to be disabled when an if matches), for example using map and a single IF does this as well which is more or less nginx's recommended way of doing an IF with map. Funny thing is when you have a .php location inside a / location try_files does work with multiple IF's and a IF itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
15:54 13-7-2014 nginx RedKnight Based on nginx 1.7.4 (11-7-2014, last changeset 5767:abd460ece11e) with; + lua-nginx-module v0.9.11 (upgraded 12-7-2014) + echo-nginx-module v0.54 (upgraded 3-7-2014) + form-input-nginx-module v0.09 (upgraded 3-7-2014) + Source changes back ported + Source changes add-on's back ported + Changes for nginx_basic: Source changes back ported * Scheduleby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hmm, more debugging, this config returns a 404 from the backend (which it shouldn't): try_files $uri $uri/ =404; set $maintmode S; if ($remote_addr ~ "^(192.168.*.*)$") { set $maintmode L; } if (-f $document_root/maintenance_mode.html) { set $maintmode "${maintmode}M"; } if ($maintmode = SM) { return 503; } This config returns a 404 from nginx, like it should: tryby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > On Friday 11 July 2014 17:42:41 itpp2012 wrote: > > Ok, debug session here > [..] > > It looks like one case of Maybe but should an if bypass try_files ? in a none php environment this works as it should, lots of if's and otheby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Ok, debug session here I see one try_files phase, maybe a script is processed differently then a static itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Simple php config (nginx 1.7.4 development); server { [...] location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; index index.html index.htm index.php; fastcgi_ignore_client_abort on; fastcgi_pass myLoadBalancer; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
This should work, but without a complete config and the errors you get it's a guessing game why it ain't itpp2012 - How to...
This has nothing to do with documentation, what you want to use does not work with the original nginx version (shared memory) the version on the website I've referred you to does work, so either forget about using limit_conn_zone or replace your nginx version with this other itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
This version from here works with shared itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
It should tell you on the commandline or in the error.logby itpp2012 - How to...
Every day :) But to keep it short and simple, don't do sub folder inside a domain, register *, add a DNS for this wildcard and host unlimited (wp) itpp2012 - Migration from Other Servers
configure is in /auto, move it down a folder (run it from there) and use parameters without a path, this is at compile time though, you can't do much with this at itpp2012 - How to...
Change the configure itpp2012 - How to...
The only way around this would be some kind of counter keeping track of whats available and if max is reached create a file where you test on in a nginx config, maybe Lua can do this counting itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Set the 'root' value to where this page itpp2012 - How to...
shahzaib1232 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Our caching method is :- > > client ----> origin ---> edge. > This is not going to work as expected, you need client ----> edge ---> origin Where edge proxy-passes to origin when file is not in itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
c0nw0nk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Perhaps nginx should look at the I/O usage to do with that function > and see if they can make it better. Its a disk subsystem issue which is under control by the OS not nginx, a good 15k sas does itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Which shows disk IO is much better which to me indicates there were/are too many small writes to disk, when some parts are slow tuning is a big time issue with nginx no matter which OS your itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Try via a forum like itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
It all depends what you are writing, too small blocksize, many seeks, onboard diskcache not working (writeback). Run some disk benchmarks to see what your storage is capable of and compare that to how much data your attempting to write. At the moment your disks are not keeping up with the amount of write itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Looking at the disk activity access to disk is using all your resources not nginx. Here you see nginx itself is waiting for disk IO to complete, all processes are doing just about nothing other then waiting for the harddisk, the main waiting issue looks like it is writing to disk which isn't going fast itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please, try this patch: > > diff -r 25ade23cf281 src/http/modules/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c Any news on the status of this patch ?by itpp2012 - Nginx Development
This is a disk IO issue, not running out of connections, setting 1900000 is pointless, 16k is more then enough, no more then 2 workers per cpu, I see 12 workers so do you have enough cpu's to cover that?by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
c0nw0nk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Could it be possible my server slows down because all connections are > in use ? No, it's a recycling and auto-tuning issue as far as I can see, have you determined at which value you noticed the difference or is this value simply a big number ?by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
c0nw0nk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well without a value everything is very very slow. With a value its > nice and fast. Interesting to know, the Windows design and other portions scale automatically between 4 API's to deal with high performance while offloading that to multiple workers at the same time. This design is limitless but some baseline vaby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
The way things have been redesigned, worker_rlimit_nofile has no purpose anymore, it's best not to set any itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
This is easily defeated, your better of with something like moving a box with the mouse to access resources. For example is a good itpp2012 - How to... itpp2012 - How to...
if ($remote_addr ~ "^(10.10.*.*)$") { .... }by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English