Use my simple map/waf example (nginx-simple-WAF.conf) and some cleaver regex' itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
You need to stop nginx completely before you can replace the itpp2012 - How to...
Change the '/well-known 0; ' line to an url (portion) which should not be itpp2012 - How to...
http { map $request_uri $requri { default 1; /well-known 0; } …………………… server { listen 80; server_name; root '/webroot/’; if ($requri) { return 301$request_uri; } location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404;by itpp2012 - How to... See the connector itpp2012 - How to...
I can imagine a client only asking for the first 2xx bytes (where a 206 reply is not required) to compare against its local itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Does Curl do the same thing from 2 different locations? looks like typical client behavior with partial matching (range request).by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
AjaySawant Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > doesn't open as tomcat is running on and not localhost. [...] > proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/auth_app/; Maybe you made a typo in your itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
The proxy_protocol 'passing' needs to be supported by the vpn/sshd service, not many can handle this (yet).by itpp2012 - How to...
Hashing means in this case "ip ranges divided in blocks", so your LAN most likely is considered one itpp2012 - How to...
Francis Daly Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nginx gets a request for /static/styles.css. > > I'm not aware of a rewrite which will let you decide which of > web-app-1 > and web-app-2 is the correct one to proxy_pass this request to this > time. Both web apps use the same url. There is a distinction between web apps, the request url, whby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
You can with stream {} See the docs at nginxby itpp2012 - How to...
Francis Daly Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It cannot work in stock nginx just using nginx.conf normal directives. You can with (many) proper rewrites but this does require a very close eye on the logfiles until you have rewritten all the 40x's, and for the sake of performance eventually have them converted to a sequence of itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
location /flask-demo/ { root /var/www/passenger-python-flask-demo; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; rewrite /flask-demo/([^/]+) /$1 break; proxy_pass; } And then add additional location blocksby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Its part of stream {} itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
You can if you use the web portal at itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
https always has a name, vpn/ssh does not so make the map(ping) work this way. internal passing on (443->map->1443->proxy_pass with proxy protocol...)by itpp2012 - How to...
Define an extra server {} block, enable proxy protocol there, move proxy_pass to server block, call server block from itpp2012 - How to... itpp2012 - How to...
Looks like this issue: itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English itpp2012 - How to...
With Lua you will find many examples how to interact (non-blocking) with mysql, Lua also contains a load balancer which can be adapted to loadbalance sql instances. See also itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Without specifying a balance method such as 'hash'/'leastconn' a server which has the best response time is chosen more often then those who's response time are itpp2012 - Other discussion
mzibit Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > endpoint listen only in HTTP [...] > chrome blocks for don't have a valid certificate for > domain. Sounds like default and correct itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
In some cases 'myapplication' needs to be told it is running on port 443, in other words the responses to the client are written back in http because 'myapplication' is (configured) assuming its entry point is itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
This will work provided you get the real IP itpp2012 - How to...
max = max, the static content type makes no difference. Dynamic content can't be cached, thats why it's called itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
With stream {} you can (unless it uses too many dynamic ports). see also itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
abrogard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Astounding. I'm told MS did this to stop it being used as a server. > But hell that's what it is supposed to be isn't it? If it's not a server, its not a server. nginx does not have these limits on any type of windows itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English