hi... my nginx.conf server { listen 80; server_name test.com; } server { listen 80; server_name check.*; } when i browse test.com page - phpinfo() - Server Name : test.com when i browse check.test.com page - phpinfo() - Server Name : check.*. how can i set to change Server_name check.* to check.test.com? plby isumido - How to...
thx for reply.. and.. i modify configuration file. first, i made folders. /home/test/public /home/test/public/index.php /home/test/public/subdomain /home/test/public/subdomain/abc /home/test/public/subdomain/abc/index.php /home/test/public/subdomain/abc/page.php /home/error/error.php and test.com.conf server { listen 80; server_name www.test.com; rewrite ^/(.*) http:by isumido - How to...
wow Mr.locojohn!! good work.~!! nice.~ thx!!! thx so much!!!! im kissing you!!!!!by isumido - How to...
hi all.. my english is too poor.. so sorry. i wrote a configuration test.com.conf # another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration server { listen 80; server_name www.test.com; rewrite ^/(.*) http://test.com/$1 permanent; } server { listen 80; server_name test.com ~^(.*)\.test\.com$; root /home/test/public; index index.php index.by isumido - How to...
hi... users. /home/test/public /home/test/public/subdomain /home/test/public/subdomain/greeting i wrote rewrite rule server { server_name ~^(.*)\.test\.com$ if(!-d /home/test/public/subdomain/$1) { set $inn $1; rewrite ^\?(.*) http://test.com/?page=$inn$requesturi? last; rewrite . http://test.com/?page=$inn last; } root /home/test/public/subdomain; inby isumido - How to...
hi... i wrote configuration files. test.com.conf ---------------------------- server_name test.com www.test.com; static.conf --------------------------- server_name static.*; ape.conf ----------------------- server_name "~&(\d{1,3}+)\.ape\.*$; http://test.com and http://www.test.com -> test.com OK. http://static.test.com -> static.test.com OK http:/by isumido - How to...
HI Guys... i write a regexp for ngin ape.test.com.conf upstream "^(\d{1,3}+)\.ape\.test\.com$" { server; } server { listen 80; server_name ape.test.com *.ape.test.com; location / { if ($http_host ~ "^[0-9]+).ape.test.com$") { set $num $1; proxy_pass http://$num.ape.test.com/$request_uri;by isumido - How to...
PS. http://domain.com/abc redirect to http://domain.com/?abc try_files $uri $uri/ /?$uri; is right? by the way, if extension is exist, http://domain.com/abc.js redirect to http://domain.com/javascript/abc.js http://domain.com/query|abc.js redirect to http://domain.com/javascript/query/abc.js http://domain.com/query|abc.jpg redirect to http://domain.com/javascript/queby isumido - How to...
hi Guys.. im so sorry. my english is too poor. i wanna make Fancy URL. files path : /public_html/_A/AA/a.html /public_html/_A/BB/b.html /public_html/_B/AA/a.html /public_html/_B/BB/b.html /public_html/_C/AA/a.html /public_html/_C/a.html i wanna try to make rewrite rule like this... 1.http://domain.com/A^AA|a.html call /public_html/_A/AA/a.html 2.http://domain.com/B^by isumido - How to...
hi guys. today. i installed APE(Ajax push engine) server on my server. caz. cometchat did not supported nginx push module :( Server 1 : nginx 0.8 on Debian Server 2 : nginx 1.06 on Debian when i call APE_JSF framework on Server 1, It's OK. but on Server 2, Fail.. i dont know why different result. help me please.by isumido - How to...
hi all. i've a question. i wanna install ape server with nginx. i found a example. but it's for nginx 0.76 someone help me? how can i set up ape server with nginx?by isumido - How to...
i wrote on configuration file location /empty { empty_gif; expire 0; } and.... http://www.mydomain.com/empty not 1x1 pixel gif. just 404 not found location /_.gif { empty_gif; expire 0; } and too! http://www.mydomain.com/_.gif also 404 not found. how can i use empty gif module? OS : Ubuntu 10.04 Installed by apt-getby isumido - How to...
domain list www.domain.com photo.domain.com drag.domain.com *.domain.com and... photo.domain.com is same http://domain.com/photo/ directory /public/~~ // domain.com /public/photo // photo.domain.com RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^photo\. RewriteRule ^.*$ - RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/photo/$1 -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /photo/$1 RewriteRule ^$ /photo/index.php RewriteCoby isumido - How to...
RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / here is apache rewrite .htaccess RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^photo\. RewriteRule ^.*$ - RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/photo/$1 -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /photo/$1 RewriteRule ^$ /photo/index.php RewriteRule ^(+).php/rss$ /photo/$1.php/rss RewriteRule ^(+).php/rss/([0-9_]+)$ /photo/$1.php/rss/$2 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^anyword\. RewriteRuleby isumido - How to...
hi guys. my server.... ~~/public/ index.php admin.php cream.php ~~/public/admin/ index.php ~~/public/excute/ index.php that's all. when i type on browser 'http://domain.com/admin', i wanna excute '~~/public/admin.php'. and...'http://domain.com/cream', wanna excute '~~/public/cream.php' and...'http://domain.com/excute', wanna excute '~~/public/excute/index.php' aby isumido - How to...
hi guys.. im so sorry. my english is so poor. i set a web-server nginx and apache. and tested.. http://cydia.daihatsu.kr/apps //nginx http://cydia.daihatsu.kr:/apps // apache http://cydia.daihatsu.kr/apps/index.php and http://cydia.daihatsu.kr/apps/top.php are same. but... when i open http://cydia.daihatsu.kr/apps/index.php, then 404 not found error on nginx. either whby isumido - How to...
hello... im rookie... i wannt use geoip with nginx. and.... use environment variable GeoIP database. use nginx 0.8.31 and.. ./configure ~~~~ --with-geoip_module i set to nginx.conf ----------------------------- geoip_country /usr/local/share/GeoIP.dat and...wannt use it ip.php <? print $_SERVER; print $geoip_country_by_name(''); ?> but...no ans... howby isumido - How to...