Am Freitag, den 05.08.2016, 18:31 +0300 schrieb Oleksandr V. Typlyns'kyi: > > > > X-Accel-Limit-Rate: <limit-rate> <limit-rate-after> > > > It will works only when request proxied to upstream. Yes. Upstream should tell the proxy-cache to throttle the video- playback only after sending the mp4-moov atom. _______________________________________________ nby double - Nginx Development
Hello, I think Nginx misses a small feature when used as a video caching proxy. MP4 files have a MOOV atom on top - so it would be great to tell a caching proxy to throttle the bandwidth only after sending the MOOV atom (the MOOV atom should be shipped as fast as possible). An nginx server can use "limit_rate_after <moov-atom-size>" - but can't tell a caching proxy to do so. Itby double - Nginx Development
Feature: Support "limit_rate_after" in "X-Accel-Limit-Rate" E.g: X-Accel-Limit-Rate: <limit-rate> <limit-rate-after> I have a small patch double - Ideas and Feature Requests
But "proxy_timeout" is an option of the "ngx_mail_proxy_module". Thanks a lot!by double - Ideas and Feature Requests
@itpp2012 The problem is: A client asks the proxy to download a 2 GB file - but closes the connection after downloading 20 MB. But the proxy does not close the connection to upstream - but downloads the 2 GB (even if the connection to the client is closed).by double - Ideas and Feature Requests
"proxy_ignore_client_abort off" does not always cancel the dowloading from upstream if connection to the client is lost - it continues to download and caches the file. This can cause huge bandwidth overhead if the proxied files are huge (e.g. videos, ...) Feature request: If the connection to the client is canceled before a specific threshold, the connection to upstream should be cby double - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hello, Is there a variable which stores the IP address of the proxy if I use the real-ip module. E.g. to log the client-ip as well as the proxy-ip (the IP address of the physical connection). Thanks a lot!by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
This patch adds two features: mp4_limit_rate 1.1; # multiplied by average bitrage mp4_limit_rate_after 15s; # time double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, My NGINX got a denial of service. The machine proxied large files using "proxy_store". Someone was creating an artifical request for a rarely used file, causing NGINX to download a big file from upstream, then he immediately closed the connection. NGINX continued to download this file. Then he did the same again with some other rarely used file. Within a couple of minutes Iby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, Is there a good way to disable "proxy_store", if the parameter "start=" is set? The down below configuration works, but I get an error message: " ... open() "/dev/null.0000000004" failed (13: Permission denied) while reading upstream ..." Using "set $proxy_store off;" won't work, because it is handles as a string. Thanks a lot! Maby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hmm, this patch is still not in nginx-1.3.16. It would be great to have this feature in vanilla double - Nginx Mailing List - English
> Weibin: Have you thought of upstreaming the no_buffer patch to nginx 1.3.x > so it could become part of next nginx stable version 1.4 ? > It'd be really nice to have the no_buffer functionality in stock nginx! I agree. Nginx is such an excellent product - but this is a missing feature. Thanks Markusby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
> I keep getting the "upstream sent invalid header while reading response header from upstream" > error when using the no_buffer patch.. The patch does not work for you? Thanks Markusby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Are there any plans to integrate this feature into NGINX? It would be very great. > Maxim Dounin: > As a non-default mode of operation the aproach taken is likely > good enough (not looked into details), but the patch won't work > with current nginx versions - at least it needs (likely major) > adjustments to cope with changes introduced during work on chunked > requby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
> Pasi Kärkkäinen > People want nginx to *not* save the http PUT/POST request to disk > when using nginx as a reverse proxy. Have the same problem. I use "haproxy" in front of "nginx" - but this more a bad hack than a double - Nginx Mailing List - English
> I know nginx team are working on it. You can wait for it. Hopefully they will find a solution!by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Machine ""front-end"": haproxy (port 80) -> proxies to "port 8080" and "machine upload" nginx (port 8080) Machine "upload": nginx (port 80) via "front-end"by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
haproxy does not buffer the request - it proxies double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Example: Size of POST-request: 10 GB (e.g. HD video) Upload-time: 4h The front-server proxies the request to the upload-server. After the upload has finished, the uploading client wants a quick "all fine"-message (maximum 30 seconds). If the upload-server gets the stream directly, the machine has has 4h to parse the request (e.g. "upload-module" or "apache-fastcgi-mby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
This would be an excellent feature!by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks a lot! > Also it'd be very nice to get this feature to standard nginx, > many people need it! 100% true. I hate this workaround via "haproxy"by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, Large POST-request are buffered to disk, before passed to the backend. The backend has troubles to parse the POST-data, if the requests are huge (some GB). We use "haproxy" in front of "nginx", to workaround this issue. But this causes extra load on the server. Is there a chance to disable the request buffering? Thanks a lot Markusby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, Is there a chance to pass a large POST-request immediately to the upstream? The POST-request is cached by nginx. The Upstream starts parsing the request as soon as the request is fully uploaded. It is impossible to parse a large POST-request within a couple of seconds. Thanks a lot Marcusby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
nginx: 1.2.2 Modules: access, map, rewrite, proxy configure arguments: --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-pcre --without-http_charset_module --without-http_gzip_module --without-http_ssi_module --without-http_userid_module --without-http_autoindex_module --without-http_geo_module --without-http_split_clients_module --without-http_referer_module --without-http_uwsgi_module --without-http_scgi_modby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, We have strange messages in our error.log - but everything works. We tried to re-produce this in a testing-environment - but we couldn't. Thanks a lot Sandy 2012/08/23 19:14:54 17017#0: *1378690 zero size buf in output t:0 r:0 f:0 00000000007DD3A0 00000000007DD3A0-00000000007DE6DB 0000000000000000 0-0 while sending to client, client:, server:, request: "by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi Maxim, Patch works. You are definitly a genius. Thanks a lotby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, Thanks a lot for your answer. The machine runs CentOS5 (PCRE from repository). I must say, we never had a single crash - not even once. If we `telnet` the above request, NGINX crashes immediately. For full config or core-dumps please contact us per email: sandyherman gmx net Thanks a lot Sandy # "http_fastcgi_module", "http_limit_conn_module", "hby double - Nginx Mailing List - English
It does not crash if I remove the limit_req "dynamiczone_net".by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, "nginx" crashes in "ngx_http_limit_req_handler". This does not happen, if "limit_req" is not nested. We couldn't reproduce this issue in a testing environment. Thanks a lot _____Request_____ GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: X-REAL-IP: _____Config_____ (simplified) http { # ipaddress + ipaddress/16 + ipaddress/24 map $by double - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello, Is there a chance to test if a "$arg_variable" (empty value) exists? The problem: "if" condition returns "false". URL: nginx.conf: location / { if( $arg_variable ) { rewrite ^.*$ /other-location; } } Thanks a lot Marcusby double - Nginx Mailing List - English