Hello, I have a question about NGINX configuration as an HTTP reverse proxy with proxy_buffering set to "on". What is the reason for the existence of proxy_buffer_size? In other words, why would you want NGINX to treat the http header separately from the body? I realize that chunked encoding and variable response generation time might be at play, but my expectation is that IF tby superTCP - How to...
Hi, Using nginx-1.9.7 (though I think it's always been there), I've noticed that when running "nginx -t" as root after a fresh install, results in the /run/nginx.pid file being created. This creates a problem on the subsequent "systemctl start nginx": Nov 20 20:50:39 localhost.localdomain nginx[557]: nginx: open() "/run/nginx.pid" failed (13: Permission deniedby superTCP - Ideas and Feature Requests
Keep in mind there are 2 variables called $request_time, one in ngx_http_core_module and another in ngx_http_log_module. Without having looked at the code or tested it, I believe that these variables only represent elapsed time from when the first byte from the client request is read by NGINX, and stops when the request has been processed, or been processed+logged. While I don't interpret thby superTCP - Other discussion
There's a 3rd party module you can try: https://github.com/trbs/Nginx-limit-traffic-rate-moduleby superTCP - How to...
I think this post might be helpful to get you started: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-nginx-access-control-howto/by superTCP - How to...
Maybe an old post, but an Alpha patch was made available Aug 5 2015: https://www.nginx.com/blog/early-alpha-patch-http2/by superTCP - Ideas and Feature Requests