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Convert simple phpMyAdmin rewrite

Posted by dimaggio 
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Convert simple phpMyAdmin rewrite
February 05, 2010 03:25AM
After the migration from Apache>nginx on my VPS at dreamhost the phpMyAdmin have stopped working. Got this original rewrite for Apache from support, but haven't managed to convert it for nginx. Can someone help me out?

RewriteRule ^/dh_phpmyadmin/([^/]*)/?(.*) /dh/web/phpmyadmin/$2

Re: Convert simple phpMyAdmin rewrite
February 07, 2010 12:31PM
This *should* be a pretty simple one. Have you tried:

rewrite ^/dh_phpmyadmin/([^/]*)/?(.*) /dh/web/phpmyadmin/$2 last;

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Convert simple phpMyAdmin rewrite
February 07, 2010 12:49PM
Thanks for the response Jim.

Yes, that one and many others, but i can't get it to work :/

The address I access with is formated like this http://domain.tld/dh_phpmyadmin/mysql.domain.tld/

And also worth mentioning is that /dh/web/phpmyadmin/$2 is directed from root (/) and not user/domain folder.

Thanks again,
Re: Convert simple phpMyAdmin rewrite
February 09, 2010 05:09PM
That's the correct conversion. Perhaps it isn't being picked up as the URI is being matched in another location?

See http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpCoreModule#location for more on which location directive matches first.

Jim Ohlstein

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