I would like to migrate some of our current solution from apache to nginx.
We have Ubuntu LTS 10.04 servers with the official nginx repo installation of nginx which is version 1.0.12-1.
I have these lines in apache vhost file:
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/servername.error.log
ErrorLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local6.warn -t httpd_servername"
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/servername.access.log combined
CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local6.info -t httpd_servername" combined
Our whole centralized logging system with rsyslog setup with filters on the incoming log messages so I would like to achieve somehow the same results with nginx as well.
So I want to keep logs on the local server and for security, redundancy purposes I would like to send them to syslog tagged as I do with apache as well.
Could you help me with this issue, I would prefer to send the logs through logger as i do now I am not really keen on totally change the method.
I've found some solution with the rsyslog imfile option but still would be better to on logger way.
Anybody has any experiance on this.
Thank you