502 Bad Gateway nginx
April 05, 2017 10:59AM
Hello Team,

I badly need help, I have '502 Bad Gateway nginx', here is my story:

Installed Centos 7 Minimal on Hyperv.
Installed WHM/Cpanel.
Installed nginx public as:
wget http://nginxcp.com/latest/nginxadmin.tar
tar xf nginxadmin.tar
cd publicnginx
./nginxinstaller install

nginx error log from whm : [emerg] 64146#0: unknown "no_cache" variable
Nginx error log from /var/log/nginx/vhost-error_log :
*1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: mydomain.com, request: "HEAD http://myip.add.ress:80/ mysql/dbadmin/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://myip.add.ress:8081/mysql/dbadmin/", host: "myip.add.ress".

I am newby in this Linux and Nginx things, if you need more information, please let me with "how to generate them".

Thank you in advance.

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