Reading variables in nginx module.
April 14, 2015 06:56AM

i have a following sets in /location :

location /test {
set $level 1;

How can I read the variables value in my_module ?

Re: Reading variables in nginx module.
July 24, 2024 01:47PM
Hi Nikhita,

To read a variable value in your custom Nginx module, follow these steps:

Include the necessary headers: Ensure your module includes the appropriate Nginx headers.

Declare a handler function: Create a function to handle the request and read the variable.

Access the variable: Use ngx_http_get_variable within your handler function to fetch the value of the variable.

Register your handler: Register your handler function with the content phase in your module's configuration.

Module context and directives: Define your module context and directives to properly link your handler.

These steps will allow your custom module to read and use the value of the $level variable set in the Nginx configuration.

Best regards
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