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Hello from Madrid

Posted by nerotic 
Hello from Madrid
May 07, 2011 09:16PM
I came across Nginx because I've been desperate to speed up a recent Magento install for a client of mine. After doing all the damn tweaking that I could it just seems that Apache isn't going to cut it anymore.

I'm pretty new to the server side of things having been a developer for some time, but now my responsibilities are expanding and I need to be more informed and knowledgeable.

For now I'm just testing, I just got Easy Wemp set up on my Win7x64 box and I have to say that install was a snap...but I'm already having PHP issues and really wouldn't even know where to being. Hopefully I can get some support here :)

I'm really looking forward to learning more about this seemingly wondrous server and hoping that it's the answer to my prayers.
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