Juan Fco. Giordana
How to install php-fpm-0.6.3
September 23, 2009 11:20AM
Hello list,

It's unclear for me which steps should I perform to install php-fpm-0.6.3.

Basically, there is no reference to a `make install` command in the
launchpad page or in the source code and since my knowledge on this area
(autoconf, automake, etc) is limited I'm a bit confused.

`make install` works, but is that the appropriate way to instal php-fpm?

Re: How to install php-fpm-0.6.3
September 23, 2009 11:57AM
My experience using "make install" on a Linux box was that it "worked" but not completely.

I've only done it once, yesterday, on a 64-bit CentOS 5.3 box using php-fpm 0.6.3 and php 5.2.11. Besides the documentation being ambiguous between using "--with-php=/path/to/php/source" or "--with-php-src=/path/to/php/source", and a hiccup in "make" when it didn't find a library where it thought it should be (might have been better to have "./configure" fail rather than "make") "make install" failed to install the init script. I had to copy the template manually and edit it.

The binary does, however, work properly in production with no errors thus far after almost 24 hours.

Jim Ohlstein
dreamcat four
Re: How to install php-fpm-0.6.3
September 23, 2009 12:58PM
Today I've asked Mike to give me access to launchpad, just so that I
may go in and rectify the issues ASAP. Its clearly a source of
confusion and will remain so until we update those pages.

As for the make install command... currently being worked on as we speak.

Juan Fco. Giordana
Re: How to install php-fpm-0.6.3
September 23, 2009 02:10PM
Thanks dreamcat4,

If this is not an inconvenience, could you please posts the instructions
in the wiki too?

I don't know the rest, but I still prefer the wiki as the main source of

Thanks again.

dreamcat four wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I've asked Mike to give me access to launchpad, just so that I
> may go in and rectify the issues ASAP. Its clearly a source of
> confusion and will remain so until we update those pages.
> As for the make install command... currently being worked on as we speak.
> dreamcat4
> dreamcat4@gmail.com
dreamcat four
Re: How to install php-fpm-0.6.3
September 23, 2009 02:42PM
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Juan Fco. Giordana
<juangiordana@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks dreamcat4,
> If this is not an inconvenience, could you please posts the instructions in
> the wiki too?

Yes, it is an inconvenience. Wikis are a pleasure for others, however!

> I don't know the rest, but I still prefer the wiki as the main source of
> information.

I don't know either. So we want to re-consider this after the current
priorities list. This includes launchpad and 'make install' script.

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