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php-fpm environment variables on starup

Posted by snagytx 
php-fpm environment variables on starup
July 15, 2015 10:55AM

I really want to use php-fpm (thinking ahead for high request volume) but I need to load a DB driver that needs some environment variables to be loaded on startup.

Does anybody have any details on how to do it?

I tried updating: the pool config file with:

env[XXX] = 'YYY'

but if in the driver I do a "getenv(XXX)" the environment variable is not there.

If I run "php-fpm -i" from the command line I can see that the env variable is passed to to my driver correctly.

For Reference I run:

CentOS 7 with php 5.4.16(the version that comes with CentOS 7) any clues in the right direction are appreciated

Thank you.
Re: php-fpm environment variables on starup
July 16, 2015 09:13AM
in case somebody hits the same issue:

In my case the manager needs to get the environment variables on startup.

Looking at the php-fpm.service file I noticed that there is a "EnvironmentFile" variable pointing to "/etc/sysconfig/php-fpm". I added "XX=YY" in the /etc/sysconfig/php-fpm file restarted php-fpm and the issue was fixed, the environment variable was read.

I second issue I hit was a restriction from selinux, it took me a while to realize that selinux was blocking the driver to work fine. Fixes selinux permission and now everything works fine.

hope this prevents others from fighting with this
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