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session_start() slows my servers??

Posted by crirus 
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session_start() slows my servers??
January 26, 2013 01:12PM

I keep getting occasional slow downs on the server, with no apparant
relation to user count.
It was slow at 800 users per second and now with 1300 is instant.

I started logging slow scripts in php-fpm and I catch, this :

[26-Jan-2013 19:02:42] [pool www] pid 78697
script_filename = /var/www/html/v.php
[0x00007fe0dea8eb28] session_start() /var/www/html/include/config.php:62
[0x00007fe0dea8a5a8] +++ dump failed

This is something in the beginning of any script, my slow down is 30!!!

What is going on in there?

Thanks for any tips

Cristian Rusu
Web Developement & Electronic Publishing


Brian Cline
Re: session_start() slows my servers??
January 27, 2013 01:40PM
How's the server doing on disk space on the partition where /tmp sits? Are
you experiencing any high CPU load, or worse, bottlenecked disk IO? You can
check the latter with `iostat`.

On Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:10:41 PM UTC-6, Cristian Rusu wrote:
> Hello
> I keep getting occasional slow downs on the server, with no apparant
> relation to user count.
> It was slow at 800 users per second and now with 1300 is instant.
> I started logging slow scripts in php-fpm and I catch, this :
> [26-Jan-2013 19:02:42] [pool www] pid 78697
> script_filename = /var/www/html/v.php
> [0x00007fe0dea8eb28] session_start() /var/www/html/include/config.php:62
> [0x00007fe0dea8a5a8] +++ dump failed
> This is something in the beginning of any script, my slow down is 30!!!
> seconds
> What is going on in there?
> Thanks for any tips
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Cristian Rusu
> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
> ======
> Crilance.com
> Crilance.blogspot.com

Re: session_start() slows my servers??
January 27, 2013 01:46PM

Thanks for the reply

I found out that session_start is just fine, problem is with a previous
call on same session that hangs on some remote url reads. The second call
is just blocked until the first either finishes or gets killed by timeout.

Cristian Rusu
Web Developement & Electronic Publishing


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Brian Cline <brian.cline@gmail.com> wrote:

> How's the server doing on disk space on the partition where /tmp sits? Are
> you experiencing any high CPU load, or worse, bottlenecked disk IO? You can
> check the latter with `iostat`.
> On Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:10:41 PM UTC-6, Cristian Rusu wrote:
>> Hello
>> I keep getting occasional slow downs on the server, with no apparant
>> relation to user count.
>> It was slow at 800 users per second and now with 1300 is instant.
>> I started logging slow scripts in php-fpm and I catch, this :
>> [26-Jan-2013 19:02:42] [pool www] pid 78697
>> script_filename = /var/www/html/v.php
>> [0x00007fe0dea8eb28] session_start() /var/www/html/include/config.**
>> php:62
>> [0x00007fe0dea8a5a8] +++ dump failed
>> This is something in the beginning of any script, my slow down is 30!!!
>> seconds
>> What is going on in there?
>> Thanks for any tips
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**---
>> Cristian Rusu
>> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
>> ======
>> Crilance.com
>> Crilance.blogspot.com
> --

Re: session_start() slows my servers??
January 27, 2013 11:52PM
If it's a 30 second timeout it may be a DNS lookup timeout. Assuming linux
- stick strace on the process and it'll tell you fr sure.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Cristian Rusu <crirus@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> Thanks for the reply
> I found out that session_start is just fine, problem is with a previous
> call on same session that hangs on some remote url reads. The second call
> is just blocked until the first either finishes or gets killed by timeout.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Cristian Rusu
> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
> ======
> Crilance.com
> Crilance.blogspot.com
> On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Brian Cline <brian.cline@gmail.com>wrote:
>> How's the server doing on disk space on the partition where /tmp sits?
>> Are you experiencing any high CPU load, or worse, bottlenecked disk IO? You
>> can check the latter with `iostat`.
>> On Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:10:41 PM UTC-6, Cristian Rusu wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I keep getting occasional slow downs on the server, with no apparant
>>> relation to user count.
>>> It was slow at 800 users per second and now with 1300 is instant.
>>> I started logging slow scripts in php-fpm and I catch, this :
>>> [26-Jan-2013 19:02:42] [pool www] pid 78697
>>> script_filename = /var/www/html/v.php
>>> [0x00007fe0dea8eb28] session_start() /var/www/html/include/config.**
>>> php:62
>>> [0x00007fe0dea8a5a8] +++ dump failed
>>> This is something in the beginning of any script, my slow down is 30!!!
>>> seconds
>>> What is going on in there?
>>> Thanks for any tips
>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**---
>>> Cristian Rusu
>>> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
>>> ======
>>> Crilance.com
>>> Crilance.blogspot.com
>> --
> --

Re: session_start() slows my servers??
January 28, 2013 03:30AM
Well the problem was the connection to remote server, not the
session_start(), all good now...
Cristian Rusu
Web Developement & Electronic Publishing


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:51 AM, Dave Kierans <dkierans@gmail.com> wrote:

> If it's a 30 second timeout it may be a DNS lookup timeout. Assuming
> linux - stick strace on the process and it'll tell you fr sure.
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Cristian Rusu <crirus@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> Thanks for the reply
>> I found out that session_start is just fine, problem is with a previous
>> call on same session that hangs on some remote url reads. The second call
>> is just blocked until the first either finishes or gets killed by timeout.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> Cristian Rusu
>> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
>> ======
>> Crilance.com
>> Crilance.blogspot.com
>> On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Brian Cline <brian.cline@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> How's the server doing on disk space on the partition where /tmp sits?
>>> Are you experiencing any high CPU load, or worse, bottlenecked disk IO? You
>>> can check the latter with `iostat`.
>>> On Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:10:41 PM UTC-6, Cristian Rusu wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I keep getting occasional slow downs on the server, with no apparant
>>>> relation to user count.
>>>> It was slow at 800 users per second and now with 1300 is instant.
>>>> I started logging slow scripts in php-fpm and I catch, this :
>>>> [26-Jan-2013 19:02:42] [pool www] pid 78697
>>>> script_filename = /var/www/html/v.php
>>>> [0x00007fe0dea8eb28] session_start() /var/www/html/include/config.**
>>>> php:62
>>>> [0x00007fe0dea8a5a8] +++ dump failed
>>>> This is something in the beginning of any script, my slow down is 30!!!
>>>> seconds
>>>> What is going on in there?
>>>> Thanks for any tips
>>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**---
>>>> Cristian Rusu
>>>> Web Developement & Electronic Publishing
>>>> ======
>>>> Crilance.com
>>>> Crilance.blogspot.com
>>> --
>> --
> --


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