2012/5/29 Edward Hibbert <edwardhibbert59@googlemail.com>
> Apologies if this is a FAQ.
> I'm using FPM on a machine with limited memory. I have quite a few
> processes because I want to avoid the performance hit of spawning new
> processes. But because I have limited memory, I would prefer it to
> send requests to the same small set of processes; this would reduce
> the working set of memory required and therefore reduce swapping.
> For example, if I have 50 processes, but my normal load only requires
> 5 processess, I would like it to always use processes 1-5, and only
> use process 6 if processes 1-5 are busy.
> So, how does FPM choose a new process to send a request to?
The "loadbalancing" between process is done arbitrarily by the kernel
(a kind of round robin on the process in the listening state I guess).
There is no way with this implementation to achieve what you're
willing to. It would requires a lots of changes to the FPM code. sorry
++ fat