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Re: Modules programming. Several questions. $variables, URI rewriting.

Maxim Dounin
March 17, 2010 06:20AM

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 07:20:47PM -0400, mriadus wrote:

> 1. I can set a handler to one of several "phases", like:
> How to define an order the handlers will be called inside the
> same "phase"? Lets suppose i bond several handlers to some phase
> and what will be called first? If that order is depends on order
> of modules "loading", how to define that order of modules
> loading?

Order of modules within phase is currently defined only by order
in which modules were added during configure.

> 2. I developed a module that creates new variable "$z" during
> initialization. That variable can be used in configuration file.
> When nginx meets $z in configuration file, my handler is
> invoking (handler that returning the content of $z). If
> configuration file has three occurrences in the configuration
> file, my handler called 3 times. But i have a situation: the
> handler is calling 2 times per one variable. So it called 6
> times for 3 occurrences of $z. Why? (that handler is called
> "get_handler").

During evaluation of complex values variable obtained 2 times: to
find out it's length and to find out it's content. It doesn't
normally lead to two calls to handler though. The fact that
your handler is called 2 times indicate that you don't set valid
or not_found flags on returned variable correctly.

> 3. OK. Lets suppose (2) is resolved. I want to create the
> content of $z once per request, but the "get_handler" can be
> invoked N times for the same request. Where i can set the
> content of $z between "get_handler" invocations for the same
> request?

Any content returned correctly will be cached for the rest of
request (unless variable caching is explicitly disabled via
appropriate flags guring variable creation or in it's handler).

> 4. I want to rewrite the ARGS from the request: i need to add
> "&z=1" to the end of args. For example: "a=1&b=1" --->
> "a=1&b=2&z=1". But inside the handler i have access to
> ngx_http_request_t via pointer. And i have access to that ARGS
> via member "args" of the structure "ngx_http_request_t". That
> "args" member is a "ngx_str_t". How can i change its length? I
> tried to create a new string and rewrite old pointer (r -> args
> = new_str_ptr), but it is not working.

Changing r->args should work as long as done correctly (assigning
a pointer to r->args isn't correct one as it's not pointer, you
have to set r->args.data and r->args.len).

Note well: you may also want to set r->valid_unparsed_uri = 0 if
you are changing args.

> Seems to be i have a copy
> of request during handler invocation and nginx killing that copy
> after request is processed?


Maxim Dounin

p.s. It's probably a good idea to ask such questions in
nginx-devel@ mailing list instead, CC'd.

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Re: Modules programming. Several questions. $variables, URI rewriting.

Maxim Dounin 2735 March 17, 2010 06:20AM

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