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Async operations on cached files

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Matthieu Tourne
December 28, 2010 08:12PM
Hi all,

I was wondering what could be a good way to spawn off processes to modify
cached file, to perform operations that would be too long to perform as
inline filters.
The practical example I have is running the yui-compressor on JS and CSS

I was thinking that this could be done directly on the cached files
themselves, as a process completely decoupled from nginx but this doesn't
seem ideal, and cache->sh->size would probably hold an incorrect value for
the total cache size.

Would there be a way to build that directly into nginx?
Thank you,


Matthieu Tourne
nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

Async operations on cached files

Matthieu Tourne 2224 December 28, 2010 08:12PM

Re: Async operations on cached files

Piotr Sikora 1070 December 28, 2010 11:12PM

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