Can we use ngx_lua to do access control? security check ?
I mean some feature of mod_security.
2010/11/27 agentzh <>:
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Delta Yeh <> wrote:
>> can lua be introduced into ngx_proxy_more, so there can what we can with lua
>> when proxy a request?
> The standard ngx_proxy module can already be used together with
> ngx_lua, so will ngx_proxy_more :)
> Actually any nginx modules can be used with ngx_lua.
> There's mainly 5 ways:
> 1. Use set_by_lua at rewrite phase, and use other content handler
> modules like ngx_proxy and ngx_fastcgi.
> 2. Use content_by_lua as the content handler to generate contents, and
> use output filter modules, like ngx_headers and ngx_ctpp2 to process
> the outputs later.
> 3. Use the ngx.location.capture() call from within Lua code to make
> nginx subrequests to other nginx locations configured by ngx_drizzle,
> ngx_postgres, ngx_proxy, and any other content handler modules.
> 4. Use the ngx.exec() call from within Lua (content_by_lua) to make
> internal redirection to other locations. (Remember, it's not a
> subrequest, rather, a "goto", which never comes back.)
> 5. Invoke other nginx module's config directives' computation at
> runtime directly from within Lua by means of the ndk.set_var.DIRECTIVE
> call. Configure directives used this way are limited to those
> implemented atop NDK's set_var submodules' ndk_set_var_value
> interface.
> Please check out the ngx_lua documentation for more details:
> Our focus has been on making ngx_lua and the Lua programming language
> the right glue in the whole nginx ecosystem, and helping Lua replace
> PHP in more and more web applications that require outstanding
> performance.
> Cheers,
> -agentzh
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