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[nginx-announce] njs-0.3.7

Posted by Dmitry Volyntsev 
Dmitry Volyntsev
[nginx-announce] njs-0.3.7
November 19, 2019 09:48AM

I'm glad to announce a new release of NGINX JavaScript module (njs).

This release proceeds to extend the coverage of ECMAScript

Notable new features:

- Object.assign() method:
: > var obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }
: undefined
: > var copy = Object.assign({}, obj)
: undefined
: > console.log(copy)
: {a:1,b:2}

You can learn more about njs:

- Overview and introduction: http://nginx.org/en/docs/njs/
- Presentation: https://youtu.be/Jc_L6UffFOs

Feel free to try it and give us feedback on:

- Github: https://github.com/nginx/njs/issues
- Mailing list: http://mailman.nginx.org/mailman/listinfo/nginx-devel

Changes with njs 0.3.7 19 Nov 2019

nginx modules:

*) Improvement: refactored iteration over external objects.


*) Feature: added Object.assign().

*) Feature: added Array.prototype.copyWithin().

*) Feature: added support for labels in console.time().

*) Change: removed console.help() from CLI.

*) Improvement: moved constructors and top-level objects to
global object.

*) Improvement: arguments validation for configure script.

*) Improvement: refactored JSON methods.

*) Bugfix: fixed heap-buffer-overflow in njs_array_reverse_iterator()
function. The following functions were affected:
Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(), Array.prototype.reduceRight().

*) Bugfix: fixed [[Prototype]] slot of NativeErrors.

*) Bugfix: fixed NativeError.prototype.message properties.

*) Bugfix: added conversion of "this" value to object in
Array.prototype functions.

*) Bugfix: fixed iterator for Array.prototype.find() and
Array.prototype.findIndex() functions.

*) Bugfix: fixed Array.prototype.includes() and
Array.prototype.join() with "undefined" argument.

*) Bugfix: fixed "constructor" property of "Hash" and "Hmac"

*) Bugfix: fixed "__proto__" property of getters and setters.

*) Bugfix: fixed "Date" object string formatting.

*) Bugfix: fixed handling of NaN and -0 arguments in Math.min()
and Math.max().

*) Bugfix: fixed Math.round() according to the specification.

*) Bugfix: reimplemented "bound" functions according to
the specification.
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