Note: Official download links changing
November 07, 2009 04:40AM
The filenames of the official download links are changing. This is
significant if you are a gentoo-ebuild or freebsd-portfile maintainer.
Its part of an improved scheme whereby a history of previously
released files shall be kept available, allowing md5 check, more
stable official download link etc. For these affected ebuild owners we
hope this to be a welcome change (although perhaps rather a long time

The links to the most recent release (which is overwritten each time)
are also changing:

We just had to replace a dash '-' character with a tilde '~'.

We expect this to be a permanent change. Example:


We also apologise if this necessary change has any undesirable effect
on any user's existing build scripts. It simply was not possible to
keep the holding the original link names, due to the complex way that
launchpad will match these filenames on to the project's milestones /
release numbers.

In regards to the accompanying archive / permanent links; these are
just being worked out right at this moment. Expect to hear back about
those in a couple (1-2) days additional.

Best regards,

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