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транка попробовать:
svn co svn://myau.su/fastpy/trunk fastpy
15.09.2009, в 23:22, Anton Bessonov написал(а):
> у мну проблемка...
> toxa@networker:/opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1 (master)$ cmake .
> -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
> -- Looking for C++ include fcgiapp.h
> -- Looking for C++ include fcgiapp.h - found
> -- Found PythonLibs: /usr/lib/python2.5/config/libpython2.5.so
> -- Configuring done
> CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:27 (add_executable):
> Policy CMP0003 should be set before this line. Add code such as
> if(COMMAND cmake_policy)
> cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
> endif(COMMAND cmake_policy)
> as early as possible but after the most recent call to
> cmake_minimum_required or cmake_policy(VERSION). This warning appears
> because target "fastpy" links to some libraries for which the linker
> must
> search:
> pthread, fcgi
> and other libraries with known full path:
> /usr/lib/python2.5/config/libpython2.5.so
> CMake is adding directories in the second list to the linker search
> path in
> case they are needed to find libraries from the first list (for
> backwards
> compatibility with CMake 2.4). Set policy CMP0003 to OLD or NEW to
> enable
> or disable this behavior explicitly. Run "cmake --help-policy
> CMP0003" for
> more information.
> This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
> -- Generating done
> -- Build files have been written to: /opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1
> toxa@networker:/opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1 (master)$ vim docs/readme.ru
> toxa@networker:/opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1 (master)$ make
> Scanning dependencies of target fastpy
> [ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/fastpy.dir/src/fastpy.o
> [ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/fastpy.dir/src/fp_config.o
> [ 42%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/fastpy.dir/src/fp_fastcgi.o
> /opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1/src/fp_fastcgi.cpp: In member function »int
> fp::fastcgi::writeResponse(FCGX_Request*, char*)«:
> /opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1/src/fp_fastcgi.cpp:66: Fehler: »strlen«
> wurde in diesem Gültigkeitsbereich nicht definiert
> make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/fastpy.dir/src/fp_fastcgi.o] Fehler 1
> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/fastpy.dir/all] Fehler 2
> make: *** [all] Fehler 2
> toxa@networker:/opt/fastpy/fastpy-0.0.1 (master)$
> Alexandr Kutuzov schrieb:
>> Практически полностью реализован
>> РЕР333. Должно работать с джангой и иже
>> с ними.
>> Было бы неплохо если кто-нибудь помог
>> с тестированием.
>> На данный момент оно с некислым
>> запасом опережает flup(4-5 раз)
>> Забрать можно из репозитория
>> svn co svn://myau.su/fastpy/tags/fastpy-0.0.1
>> ps: А еще в теории мои коллеги по цеху
>> переписали тоже самое но на питоне,
>> получилось не на много медленнее чем
>> моя реализация(- 5-6% к общему времени
>> исполнения).
>> Скоро наверное выложат куда-нибудь.