June 26, 2015 09:44AM
Стал замечать в логах много ошибок типа:
sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to

На уровне http есть настройки:
sendfile on;
aio on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
postpone_output 0;

OS: FreeBSD 9.2, nginx 1.9.2

Чем это все грозит и надо ли по этому поводу что-то делать? Может имеет
смысл отключить sendfile?
nginx-ru mailing list
Subject Author Posted

sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Maksim Kulik June 26, 2015 09:44AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Валентин Бартенев June 26, 2015 09:54AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Maksim Kulik June 26, 2015 10:10AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Валентин Бартенев June 26, 2015 10:50AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Maksim Kulik June 26, 2015 11:06AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Валентин Бартенев June 26, 2015 11:28AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Maxim Konovalov June 26, 2015 11:34AM

Re: sendfile (/path/to/file) returned busy again while sending response to client

Maksim Kulik June 26, 2015 02:18PM

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