On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 21:52 -0700, Cliff Wells wrote:
> In the future, perhaps you should:
> 1) post the actual error
> 2) post your nginx config
> That way people don't have to guess about what you are doing.
> On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 23:48 -0400, afen wrote:
> > I try not into recursion
> > test.php
> > <?
> > $id=$_GET['id'];
> > if ($id==1){
> if ($id=="1"){
> Note that all _GET variables will be *strings*. You have to coerce them
> if you want them to become other types.
Bah, I forgot that PHP stupidly coerces crap without prompting.
"1" == 1 is true in PHP.
Better post your config.