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Re: var/www

Paul Jessup
December 30, 2009 04:46AM
Rob Schultz wrote:
> Paul,
> This is an example of trimmed down passenger setup i am using with nginx
> V/r,
> Rob Schultz

Hello Rob,

Thanks for your answer - over in Europe, so sound asleep when you

I have had a look around the configurations questions that I can find
for nginx, but nothing seems to answer the problem I have.

The computer that I am using for trials has had apache2 installed on it,
ruby, rails etc. as well. The idea is that I would like to create an
environment similar to the web server (running Ubuntu 8.10 server with
eBox), so that I know what to do with that when the installation on the
laptop is successful. I am looking to remove apache2 from the web server
and replace it with nginx, so
I did that on the laptop first.

A quick side question - do you know whether I can run nginx as well as
apache2 on the server? nginx would handle all ports except eBox
administration. Just a thought - not important really, but I am not sure
whether eBox needs apache2.

The web server will have two domains to host from the same fixed IP, and
needs SSL for one of them.

The trial computer now has all apache2 files taken off, and nginx is now
the web server. One of the web sites will be a rails site.

The rails site on the trial computer is at /home/paul/sites/my_app/, and
has all the usual sub-directories created by rails. I don't know where
to put the rails files on the web server at present.

For the moment, the only hostname on the laptop is localhost.

*The server uses squirrelmail with postfix. I have it set up currently
for IMAP. This I do not have on the laptop, but it is important for the
web- server!

There seem to be 4 files with configuration for gninx it them:

/var/nginx/conf/nginx.conf (this one I changed - probably the wrong
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf (no changed made since installation)
/etc/nginx/sites-available/default (no changed made since installation)
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default (no changed made since installation)

(virtual host, ssl and php are # out at present - I take it that is

So, please could you tell me which file should be edit, and what to put
in to achieve all/some of this?

Thanks in advance for your time!

Kind regards

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted


Paul Jessup December 29, 2009 07:06PM

Re: var/www

Rob Schultz December 29, 2009 07:08PM

Re: var/www

Paul Jessup December 29, 2009 07:20PM

Re: var/www

Rob Schultz December 29, 2009 07:36PM

Re: var/www

Paul Jessup December 30, 2009 04:46AM

Re: var/www

Rob Schultz December 31, 2009 06:36PM

Re: var/www

Paul Jessup January 01, 2010 11:42AM

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