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Use nginx to return a scraped copy of another site

Tony Mobily
November 10, 2022 07:52AM

I have a web site a.com. I own it and run it, but I don't have access to
the backend. The pages served by a.com are normal plain HTML pages.

I want to run b.com as a duplicate of a.com, with nginx acting as a proxy.
The contents would be identical; however, I would apply some minor
modifications to the HTML. Basically, when somebody requests
b.com/something.html, the server in b.com would make a request to a.com
(asking for /something.html) and then respond with the contents (after
making small modifications, probably using

The a.com site has cookies etc. So, nginx should proxy those too.

Is this possible with nginx? Is there an example configuration I can use as
a starting point?

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Subject Author Posted

Use nginx to return a scraped copy of another site

Tony Mobily November 10, 2022 07:52AM

Re: Use nginx to return a scraped copy of another site

Francis Daly December 01, 2022 02:44PM

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